Introducing Dynamic Duos, the forum's new exclusive league!

Introducing a new, exclusive league, just for active forum users! :writing_hand:

This league is all about dynamic duos. Pair up with a friend and take on the competition together!

Once a month, we’ll run a special tournament face-off similar to the Replay Team Championship, in which you and your partner will show off your poker skills and earn points on a leaderboard. Here’s the nitty-gritty:

  • Sign-ups will open monthly. You and your partner will both have to respond to the thread, confirming your partnership.
  • All participants must have posted in the forum at least once in the past month, excluding their sign-up post.
  • Entry is free!
  • MTTs will run twice in the day to accommodate various time zones. To kick off, the two times will be 3pm ET and 7pm ET. Each of you may participate once, whether at different times or the same time (in separate tournaments).
  • In your sign-up, please share which time you’ll be playing, or note that you have no preference. We will balance these as well as we can, but ultimately, the more people in your tournament time, the more points can be earned.
  • Your performance will be scored on a leaderboard. The highest performing teams could win up to 1 million chips!

This league is a work in progress! Any or all of these details may change depending on interest and feedback after the first tournament. Please be patient as we work out the kinks – there will be a thread opening for feedback after the first event. :slight_smile:

Our first event will run on Saturday, August 19th. You’ll have plenty of time to form up into your duos, or encourage some friends to come visit the forum, get to know other players, and participate with you!

Sign-ups and other threads will live in our Private League Discussion category, which you can find here:

See you there!


Announcing our team roster for the inaugural Duo League tournament!

If both team members are playing at the same time, they will be in separate tournaments (A1/A2 or B1/B2). Please check your tournaments so you know which one you’re in. Here’s a link to each:

Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A2)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B2)

No team names this time around, but maybe we’ll add that in our next go. :slight_smile:

@Tiggyx (3pm) & @Goatsoup (7pm)
@Litenin (7pm) & @southwestmba (7pm)
@abahog (3pm) & @AngelinaB (3pm)
@mrzick (3pm) & @RockStone (3pm)
@Rayo1024 (7pm) & @Razorback1220 (7pm)
@_Rain (7pm) & @tricki (3pm)
@Rabbit230 (3pm) & @brutis44 (3pm)
@Novocain (7pm) & @FreeCheezPiza (7pm)
@Richi1965 (3pm) & @DaniPok (7pm)
@Sue13 (7pm) & @SharonSmarty (7pm)
@Qwekcok (7pm) & @Chips-No-Fish (3pm)
@Kondrad (3pm) & @morcosborcos (7pm)
@_snowman (3pm) & @snitty (3pm)
@RavenL (7pm) & @Nemesis67 (3pm)

If you were paired up by us, we encourage you to send each other a friend request on the site and get to know a little bit about each other! :handshake:

Good luck to all teams! Can’t wait to see how the chips fall.


Congratulations to our top teams!

Sharing first place and bragging rights, our winning teams are: @Litenin & @southwestmba, @Sue13 & @SharonSmarty, and @Tiggyx & @Goatsoup! Well played!

I’ll be running a poll in the Private League forum, so please keep an eye out if you participated or would like to do so in the future.


If you played in our first tournament, or would like to do so in the future, please head over and answer our preferences poll: Forum Duo League - POLL - Private League Discussion - Replay Poker

Thank you!


Our September team roster is all set! :muscle:

Teams were paired up in the order of registration. Players were assigned randomly based on their preferred time slots, and since the number of players isn’t a multiple of four this month, that means we do have a slight imbalance in these tournaments. We appreciate your understanding if your team is in a group with fewer players.

If both team members are playing at the same time, they will be in separate tournaments (A1/A2 or B1/B2). Please check your tournaments so you know which one you’re in. Here’s a link to each:

Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A2)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B2)

@AngelinaB (3pm) & @unaughty (7pm)
@mrzick (3pm) & @RockStone (3pm)
@RavenL (3pm) & @Nemesis67 (3pm)
@SharonSmarty (7pm) & @Sue13 (7pm)
@morcosborcos (7pm) & @funlovenit2 (7pm)
@happy1958 (3pm) & @DrtyOlMadman
@Carpinator (3pm) & @Crazy_Jim (3pm)
@Litenin (7pm) & @southwestmba (7pm)
@Calli (3pm) & @fransuah (7pm)
@Skirmish47 (7pm) & @Freeto (3pm)
@WS66 (7pm) & @Dlstout (7pm)
@_Rain (7pm) & @tricki (3pm)
@Kondrad (3pm) & @boyd2 (3pm)
@tjmcfarland (7pm) & @TNgolfer (3pm)
@snitty (7pm) & @_snowman (7pm)
@Pilot704 (3pm) & @Qwekcok (7pm)
@Tiggyx (3pm) & @Goatsoup (7pm)

I will be checking back in tonight at 10pm ET. If you notice an error with your team, please PM me directly and I will do my best to get that fixed. I can’t make any changes to preferences, or to the tournaments themselves, as the latter is Chasetheriver’s domain. :slight_smile:

If you don’t know the partner that we paired you up with, consider friending each other and chatting before the big game(s)!

Best of luck, teams! Hope you have a blast. :partying_face:


The Duo League will not run in October as @Chasetheriver and I will both be out. We’ll be back in November! Thanks to those of you who have participated thus far and have provided great feedback.

In the meantime, we have a special contest for October that will be shared later this week. Please keep an eye out! Spoiler: we’re giving out swag!


Our next two forum league dates will be Saturday, November 18th and Saturday, December 16th. Sign-ups are now open for November!


Announcing our September duos! :v:

Unmatched duos were partnered based on signup order, and assigned randomly based on preferred time slots. Times are listed in EST. Please be sure to check which tournament you’re in! Here are the links:

Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A2)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B2)

@AngelinaB (3pm) & @Kondrad (3pm)
@Litenin (7pm) & @southwestmba (7pm)
@mrzick (3pm) & @RockStone (3pm)
@RavenL (7pm) & @Nemesis67 (7pm)
@funlovenit2 (7pm) & @morcosborcos (7pm)
@YourQueen1 (3pm) & @mattiebumpo (3pm)
@miguel_999 (7pm) & @Jigzsaw (3pm)
@tbenware (7pm) & @TNgolfer (3pm)
@coolbob (3pm) & @LLarryG (7pm)
@Blueskye6712 (3pm) & @meerglis (3pm)
@Adrian_boss (7pm) & @Tracy338 (7pm)
@mertay (3pm) & @Triips (7pm)
@Sue13 (7pm) & @SharonSmarty (3pm)
@soumnag (7pm) & @SilentOutlaw (3pm)

Thank you so much for those of you who had flexibility with your times. Because of you, and the amount of signups we had, we were able to perfectly balance the tournaments this month. :slight_smile:

Don’t know your teammate? Send them a friend request and get to know them!

GOOD LUCK, DUOS! :four_leaf_clover:


It’s our final teams of 2023! :confetti_ball:

Unmatched duos were partnered based on signup order, and assigned randomly based on preferred time slots. I did not include anyone who didn’t reply with a time slot. Times are listed in EST. Please be sure to check which tournament you’re in! Here are the links:

Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B1)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (A2)
Poker Lobby · Replay Poker (B2)

@Kondrad (3pm) & @AngelinaB (7pm)
@RavenL (7pm) & @Nemesis67 (7pm)
@Freeto (3pm) & @Skirmish47 (7pm)
@southwestmba (7pm) & @Litenin (7pm)
@mrzick (3pm) & @RockStone (3pm)
@gringo59 (7pm) & @REDSKIN44 (3pm)
@joyce8e1 (3pm) & @Dizzy12345 (3pm)
@nottlkng (7pm) & @Pizza99999 (7pm)
@SilentOutlaw (3pm) & @LLarryG (7pm)
@_Rain (7pm) & @tricki (3pm)
@coolbob (7pm) & @UltimateWin (3pm)
@snitty (7pm) & @Josianne (3pm)
@SharonSmarty (3pm) & @Sue13 (7pm)
@WS66 (3pm) & @Dlstout (3pm)
@mattiebumpo (7pm) & @brainzz (3pm)
@chuck56 (3pm) & @_snowman (7pm)

Thanks again to those of you who had some flexibility – it allowed us to balance all the tournaments perfectly again!

Don’t know your teammate? Send them a friend request and get to know them!

Let’s see which team wraps up the year by winning big! :moneybag:


Hi everyone! There will be no forum league in January as I’ll be out of town and unable to organize.

However, this is a great time to get feedback! Right now, we’re not getting a huge turnout, and we’re seeing no shows, which isn’t fun for any players who do show up and see that their partner didn’t. It’s sometimes challenging to balance the games if we don’t have an even number across the four tournaments. We may put the league to rest, or perhaps just make it a more traditional single-player event across a couple of time zones. Please feel free to use the Duo League Q&A thread to share your thoughts on whether you’d like to see the league continue with changes in the future.

Thanks to all our participants!