Why Did You Chose The Avatar That You Have?

Hi Players. Another week, another question. Last week I asked where you found the name that you go by on RP. A good number of Players responded. This week, I want to know what is your Avatar and why did you pick that particular Avatar? I know that some Players have pictures of their families and animals and they are self-explanatory, but there are some I saw that were different and unique. Everybody knows that I switch from my dog to an airplane. The reasons are obvious. I am anxious to hear your answers.


(This week, I want to know what is your Avatar and why did you pick that particular Avatar?)

One very rare moment in time, the stars aligned, and I became a Nordic Warriors Champion!

The stars are no longer aligned but I can look at this avatar as proof it happened!

I still cannot believe it!



And well deserved, sir!


You might see me limp or chase more often than you should (like a novice, a bad gambler, or a “fish”) but make no mistake, I know enough poker and have enough experience to execute some pretty nasty plays when least expected. Meet my avatar, “Savage Fish” :sunglasses:
WhatsApp Image 2024-06-05 at 15.35.22_7dcb432f

By the way,
I read a psychology-based article a while back focused on poker avatars, and among other things, it said that pictures of pets and family can be very disarming for opponents which can be an edge for you. “Look at this cute Labrador raising my big blind. I bet they don’t have much. They just want to play with me. I think I’ll call!” Don’t be fooled people. Dogs don’t play poker.


I chose this one because I thought it was cool that her eyes actually roll , this is the main avatar I use but I also use different ones if playing in one of the leagues like this Con Artist one


Gopher Jedi
I am a Gopher Jedi knight; I chose this avatar because you never know who a player is, or what skill level a person may be at. This gopher may be cute, but he has a skillset that took many years of training to achieve. They don’t just hand you a light saber. Of the 400+ avatars I have made for others and myself I don’t think I can pick a favorite, although the award avatars do have special meaning for me, I build them custom for each player so no one else will have that same award. Seeing my artwork spread across Replay gives me great pleasure.


Wife and i could not have kids:( so we have 2 cats who are our kids and they are here for you 2 see:).


The front side is far worse than the back.


I hid a subliminal message in mine. You have to look veeery closely, but its there. :wink:



Not that well hidden. 4 card suits in the back bar of the crown. But I never noticed before so pretty subliminal…

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Hi Excaliburns. That Avatar is really stunning. Congratulations on becoming a Nordic Warriors Champion. I can see why you use that as your Avatar. Thank you for sharing that with me.

Hi ChinoD. That Avatar is definitely different, but I can see why you chose it. That psychology-based article that you quoted from, is very interesting. I did not know that. You are right though, dogs do no play poker, at least my dog does not. Thank you for sharing that information with us.

Hi SharonSmarty. That is a really cool Avatar, especially with the moving eyes. I can see why you like it. The Con Artist photograph is very bold and I like it. Thank you for sharing.

Hi -Rain. That Avatar is cute, but yes, that Gopher looks like he means business. I did not know that you built custom Avatars for the Players on RP. That is really cool. I can’t imagine that would be easy to do. Thank you for sharing.

Hi bill8888. I am sorry to hear that you and your wife could not have children. I do understand how our animals become children because I have had a lot of them, cats, dogs and horses, they all were my children. Your cats are beautiful. Thank you for sharing that information with me.

Hi oldgeezer. That is an interesting photograph. I can see why that would make people wonder what his face looked like and I am one of those people. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Chasetheriver. A puzzle to solve. How intriguing. I think I know what it is, but if you could tell me that would be nice. I like it though. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Hi feelmysins. It looks like you found the hidden message in Chasetheriver’s picture. I asked Chasetheriver for the answer to the message. Let’s see if you are correct. Thank you for sharing.


duh,. I’m from Texas


I was always a big fan of Heath Ledger and found his portrayal of the Joker in Batman riveting. And the dark ominous picture of his face from that movie fearsome and pretty cool actually. It “may” prevent the looser players from overplaying early in tournaments against me a little bit as it could look like I’m a bit nuts. But mostly I just really like the picture.


Because I look like Butthead :rofl:


For now, I choose a photo of me and my wife.


Need all the luck I can get, Started out a Charles Lindbergh “Plucky Lindy” button.
Modified at times and on some holidays.

Like Mothers Day :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Txloanguy. Your photo explains it all. Thank you for sharing.

Hi Hitecwannabe. I, also, was a big fan of Heath Ledger, especially in Batman. I am a fan of all the superheroes. I think he was the best Joker of all the other people that played Joker. I know what you mean. I like that picture of him also. He looks more realistic in that picture. Thank you for sharing.

Hi donkbusta444. Lol. That is funny. That definitely was an unusual cartoon with Bevis and Butthead. I like it as an Avatar. Thank you for sharing.

Hi alexsaragoca. That is a very nice picture of you and your wife, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. Thank you for sharing.

Hi River_Runner. They are very nice, especially with the horseshoe and the fact that you can modify them for each holiday. Have they brought you luck? I have a horseshoe hanging on my wall which came from my horse, Warlock. As of yet, I can’t say that it has been that lucky. Thank you for sharing.


One of the “requirements” of playing in a team format league is that you wear a team shirt so typically that is what my avatar is. Most often im the one of the Pirates’ shirts from the Dream Weavers made by @_Rain. The latest one just has a very Pirates of the Carribean ghost theme which I like. But I am proud of my Replay Team Championship team avatars too. Including one with a certain Pilot :slight_smile:


This is a great place to introduce myself as my avatar does a great job doing that as well!

My poker alias is Metallicus primarily due to my investment in ISO20022, XPR/XRP/QUANT, BSV, STRONGHOLD, and similar 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) digital assets. Proud son of U.S. Airforce parents, orphaned at age 11, and raised in foster care where I learned to maximize value and time.

Pursued publik edukashun :wink: for 10+ years of my life, PhD from Metaverse University in Geneva, Switzerland where I studied the Big Bang quantum physics located there and other geek Star Trek worthy concepts.

Post-PhD, I travel and research a lot! Asking the question “why” to me is one sign of intelligence! One example: Achieving Individual Banker status and claiming my true Spiritual value. Spent a few years in Vegas playing poker at the Westgate Poker room right next to the Convention Center. Be sure to pick my brain about any of the above if you have an inquiring mind, which is def’ a great way to bond with me further! See Ya All At The Final Table Soon!




I chose it because it’s distracting.

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