The Juicee Defence against All-In pre-flop (AKA How to win the Lottery)

I looked up 3 bingo players.They all had something in common…NO friends…Not a surprise,


I have only come across a couple of people who were being obnoxious in a tourney. I suspect one was drunk! He kept chatting about how good he was and that he could/would beat everyone. You could almost hear the collective cheer when he was eliminated. I reported another guy who bets very aggressively from the start and chats constantly for making racist comments to a player from Germany. I noticed recently that he played a tourney and did not chat once, so maybe he has been given a ban? I generally find in the tourneys I play that people are very gracious (in the chat at least), and I sometimes get a bit of RSI typing “ty” if I win a hand! LOL.

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So there is someone playing bingo, going all in preflop every hand, someone typing zzzzzz in the chat, and someone spiting them by running the clock out every time.

Now that’s what I call a dream poker table :joy::joy::joy:


110 % with you can not stand bingo players and pre flop all in


guess pre-flop all-ins are ok. didn’t realize my post about how i react during a tourney in response to a player that is totally trashing the game was offensive. must have been good instinct that i never spend much time on this forum.

i was actually flagged for all caps in my post… i see my post right now and on my computer it’s not caps so I’m not sure where the breakdown is between computers, but whatever. the free poker helps pass the time. as far as the zzzzzz-ers go, their complaint should be with the programmers at Replay not me. if there’s a clock and I use it I don’t get why that’s my problem. turn the clock off!


no clue bout all that bs
its one word

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Tournaments are no fun with “BINGO” players. I doubt I’ll ever enter another. Just ruins the game. Just my opinion of course!

Few questions, how long were you in for before getting knocked out?, What was the buy in? & how many chips did you start with?

how do i chat during the game i cant figure it out

type in box lower left

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and if you don’t see the cursor blinking, click inside the box or anywhere around the table…sometimes I start typing away and then realize the focus is not on the table.

People going all in every hand in tournaments is no problem, that’s whatever. They don’t last long, feed chips out, and once they lose they’re done. Players that go all in every hand are terrible for ring games. It’s cool the first time they do it and lose, but since it’s so easy to get new chips/account, people will continue to buy in and do it over and over again. There’s no real consequence to what they do on anyone except the other people trying to play the ring game. This only happens in low stakes games though, as anyone who bothered to win enough chips to get to higher stakes won’t play like a debil. So if you want to avoid people like this just stop being poor. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


They do give warnings to people who cross lines in chat, and they can be muted for 1 day, all the way up to permanent, If you think someone is crossing the line in chat, and it’s making you uncomfortable then report it, there is no consequence to you for reporting them, even if you are wrong, but nowadays it is hard to say what is offensive, so it’s best to not contribute to a situation by choosing a side, just click the players table icon, and the hazard triangle, and let the staff figure it out. or you can mute chat by clicking the symbol by the green lobby button in upper right.muting but maybe don’t go getting report happy either. :slight_smile:

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Not so much about players contemplating but the ones to lazy to push FOLD.

You are looking at it entirely wrong. Bingo is like a government bailout. It is pennies from heaven to good players. Stay out of the fray except if you hold AA KK AKs AK AQs. Those hands are in your favor. Otherwise the Bingo chips end up on the table and in your stack if your game is strong


An extremely highly ranked player decided to play bingo on the 500-1K tables a few weeks ago, jamming every hand preflop and rebuying for the table minimum. I lost one hand, but ended up gaining around 400K. We actually had a rather pleasant conversation while s/he was dumping chips. I thanked him/her for his/her donation, and s/he commented that players should be flocking to the table rather than fleeing it. If my son hasn’t just woken up and needed some attention, I would’ve followed the advice.

While it may have messed with the earlier oeuvre of the table, there were other tables at similar stakes one could easily jump to. Not sure why you’d want to, though, unless you didn’t like printing money. Just play well-bankrolled, with the ability to rebuy a few times, solid advice even if there isn’t a bingo player at the table.


There are tables that have fast clocks, they have a lightning bolt in the lobby. Everyone is timed at the table, and the clock is there for a reason. I do think players should be allowed to use the clock given to make difficult decisions, however if a player is tanking every hand and every decision just to fold I would report that. Replay can go look at the players hands to see if the reasons for tanking are legit, probably not if it’s happening every hand. I get harassed though sometimes if I have difficult decisions a few hands in row and take my clock. Many players suffer from recency bias and no matter how fast you fold pre or play your hands for say the past half hour, use your clock a few times in a short span and you get zzzzzzzzzzzzz’d. I also think there are ways to play private games on Replay if you just want to play with friends. Open seats can go to anyone in a ring game and they should be able to play the chips they have won, or purchased they way they see fit.

I feel like @JuiceeLoot wrote a very good and insightful post and it got flipped on its head like a very bad joke. @Maya, I’m sorry but I find your reply to be as absurd as you say @JuiceeLoot comparison to chess and RPS. I would also like to note that @fcHaarlem, IMO was the one who had a complaint. He was being harassed by the table and cursed at which you make no mention of. Laughable to say the least. I would venture to say that all in or fold pre playing NL Royal is not a bad strategy in such a high variance game, trying to build a large stack for later stages of the tournament. One last thing, anyone who takes issue with an all in shove by a player with 6.5 bb’s doesn’t understand basic strategy, math, poker ICM, equity, odds and the list can go on and on. Stop complaining and play the game. I mean your strategy is so superior then beat the bad(bingo) player and move on.


You should add that you can mute an individual player without muting the table by clicking on there avatar and x’ing over the message box. It’s in the lower left corner next to the triangle/hazard icon.

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