Levels & Achievements Feedback

Achievement award suggestion: “The Fence” QKA23 Suited.

How about the Kardashian award for making a giant ass out of yourself?


lmao… too funny

I have finished in the money in a few MTTs, but I have yet to receive the achievement. Proof:

This just happened again today, which is why I bring it up. You can check my achievements and activity.

Thanks for letting us know about that! I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t have been awarded that, given that you have your Podium Gold achievement. Will look into this, but in the meantime, I manually added the In the Money badge to your account.

Fizz --thx for your interest in the feed back. Please note I signed up with RPP in 2013 but my interest in becoming a better player is much more recent. My thoughts on the achievement program ?? It is a great idea to recognize a players achievements ****but not if it provides NO sense of achievement – Make the awards far fewer and much more difficult to win— ALL AWARDS SHOULD COME WITH BONUS CHIPS FOR THE RECIPIENT—.otherwise players couldnt care less------ simple…

The complicate a simple hand analysis badge

love them all…lol… awesome presentation :smile:

Thank you. I have a secret list of players I would love to give some of them to. lol


Thanks, Fizzymint

you think you can award some chips for these awards and achievements…as its totally pointless and a waste of time to say you won an award and it does nothing for the game in the true sense…even if you were to give 1000 chips,which is not much based on achievements going upto 10000 chips it would make some sense…but these awards messages and having them on your page has no benefit at all and frankly no one cares for an award unless actually ‘awarded’ so the achievement really means nothing on this site…im just expressing myself blatantly but truly either get rid of it or do something where in some chips are involved…we cannot manufacture these achievements,its whats dealt to us and flopped…I think theres been a discussion on this but it would truly make sense to have something on the table to take back if any achievement performed…cheers…

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I wonder if the Bankroll Builder tournaments count for the achievements ‘in the money’ and ‘Podium Gold’, because I won one and didn’t get them.

For your info the ‘Podium Gold’ was awarded on my second win.

Boo, sorry those didn’t award correctly! Bankroll Builder does qualify, so you should have received both of those achievements. I’m glad “Podium Gold” finally got to you, but we just added “In the Money” as well, so you should see that on your profile now.

yes, thank you!

You might consider eliminating the quad deuces award. I have found that trying to win the award (which is statistically very difficult) results in people (like myself) playing hands they would never otherwise play (any hand with a deuce). In addition, when I finally did get my four quads I had to just call (despite having the nuts) in order to make sure my opponent didn’t fold, as happened to me the last time (about a year ago) when I had quad deuces. In tourney cash games a person with the nuts is not allowed to check on the river in order to see an opponent’s hand. This is very similar. Are there any other awards that attempts to win them skew play?

You might also considering eliminating the “Bluff” award. I, and I suspect nearly every other player with the award, received it by merely sitting at a 6-handed free-roll tourney where the other five players never sat down. There was no bluff involved, just watching the button go round as I called and collected chips, certainly no “normal” poker play. This would be great in a cash tournament, not so much on RP.