An actual real suggestion for improvement

a very very simple HTML solution would be; adjust the “spacing”, if the checkbox changes, just move it up / down 1 line

Still think the check/fold button should be good for the whole street.

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Today i had it again. I played on low stake and tried to check “Call 2”, and in moment of click it changed to “Call 736” and it happend. I had only cards for hoping and lost all. Lost to the system. I had folded to this high bet, but it was too late to change something.
Sometimes need other players long time to click something, and in moment of trying to use the checkbox it happens then. I can only warn to use the “Call” checkbox. Very bad for me.

I agree they need to be moved,a change in color will do nada

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A poker tutorial for new or less experienced players would be helpful. Video would be the preferred method I heard.

I think they already have that, albeit not in video format, in the Help Centre.


Not in video and I suggest YouTube Pro tutorials.