All-In or Fold Tables

I don’t believe spgodog has ever officially supported this style of game!!!

I thought this was a really bad (dumb) idea, until I saw the comment it would give a table for these annoying fools to go to! Better they sit there then at the table I am playing. Maybe one or two of these tables. But most should still be ordinary poker.

I would like to make a suggestion about the table. when i played yahoo pool they had the tables set so you could make the table, name it and make open or private with invite only. i feel this should be an option also. it would make alot of people happy. their is alot of people here who play together anyway and you always have others who come in and do the “bingo” “lottery” type play. this would avoid that if the players could make the table invite only. Open or Private/Invite only table option i believe would be very good idea.

british petro,lol ,americans r.f. roller folders .have a room for them called sit and fold

This is a poker site. should remain one.

Yeah, I’m split over this. On the one hand, if it helps to reduce the number of bingo players on regular tables, then it has to be a good thing; but if it ends up ‘promoting’ bingo play, or that in some way, as a site, we encourage it, then it’s a bad move. Most probably, like the mixed limit tables, it just won’t get any traction, and without player liquidity won’t be used regularly.

With so many features we’d love to work on right now, I don’t know if we’d want to take the risk on this one, given the doubts as to it’s desirability/effectiveness.

i agree totally, hate the bingo

great…lot of ppl wanna play it…but there has to be one buy in…med 20k buy in…low 2k and high…200k?