Achievements - Feedback

J’aimerais avoir une realisations quand je gagne 5 tournois sng et mtt et un autre a 10 tournois sng et mtt.J,aimerais avoir des statistique de tournois, combien participés, combien gagnés, combien payés, pourcentage etc.

Achievements if this is to topic i miss the call any buttons and may be a few buttons
who wouldn’t like more chips and just brain storming why not make a way we all can make a few bucks but turning over or chips for some real cash fantasying about buying that Mercedes or brand new BMW X6 or even give a gift to some one for Xmas that be great well see you all on the poker table take care

I’d like to earn chip prizes anytime you reach an achievement milestone. You should also get an achievement for participating in a relay team competition.
Ideas for achievements. An achievement called Raise from the dead. When you are on your last chips and you go all in and you win against all opponents and get back into the game as a contender.


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An achievement award for participating in the community forums (minimum 50 posts perhaps) And more for more posts. I think it would get the community more involved with the topics here.

I should get an achievement award for ( great original idea Craig) hahahahaha

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I agree, give chip awards

Here are some achievements I would like to see…

Using more than 15 different avatars in a month - Chameleon Award

Nicest hair - The SPG Award

An award for being witty at least 50% of the time - The Half-Wit Award

I’m sure I would win all 3 of these!


I want an achievement rating for winning and placing, Not how many chips you purchase. We are all rated now on how many chip you own. You may have purchased all your chips and rate in the top 1000 player. Great for the bottom line of Replay Poker but not any way does it mean your any good at POKER.
I for one have purchased no chips ever. OK, If you have to purchase chips it’s OK but it should not affect your rating as a good or high level poker player. We need a fair rating system or quality of play or skill level. The whole scoring system need to be redone.

One would have to spend about $750 USD to buy a top 1000 rank. What percentage of the top 1000 rank players do you think bought their meaningless ranks?

We should have an achievement for this… The Whale!

IMO, achievements are a tool to help with player retention. You have to keep people interested in the site long enough for them to have an attachment to it. If you can keep people coming back for a while, even if only to collect achievements, there is a greater chance of retaining them longer term. Once someone has become a regular user of the site, I’m not sure what value additional achievements provide.


I agree, the achievement badges or buttons don’t mean much. Player rating is important to most.

I like that idea SirWar. It would motivate me.

Welcome to the Forum, Bobedb! Hope to see you here often.

Just my 2 chips.

The conversation is about achievements and I find them to be for new players only. Helps draw them to new parts of the site and features they may not know about. I’m a new player here, love the site, bought some chips, referred several friends, but achievements never drew me to SnG which was something completely new to me and is now my favorite part of the site. I wish they had. If achievements didn’t, what would?

Since I don’t really value the achievements one way you could change that is to unlock features of the site as you go through a set number of them. For instance to become familiar with SnGs, using 1 free ticket, playing in 5 games, finishing in the money, winning a game… some combo of those would unlock stats for SnGs- something I would really like! (but that’s probably another thread)

Achievements are a tool for the site, not an enhancement of the player experience.
To fix that, use them to enhance the player experience.
If that makes sense.


There are various online poker stats analysis poker tools, mostly geared towards the paid poker sites. It would be cool if there was some sort of inbuilt functionality to study your poker history and and learn from your mistakes.

When I play chess or go, there is an AI analysis tool that tells me what the best move was in each position.

Another useful idea would be some sort of HUD, to give additional stats whilst playing.

If I was building my own UI, I would display win percentages against possible opponent, and outs required to beat them.


I would love to achieve 1 million chips thru play. I also think it would be a great idea for special event tournaments be held monthly for top 100 players and a prize for the top player of 1 million chips that would be an exciting goal to work on and a exciting tournament.

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achievements are really fun until you need to win a pot of 25k, 100k and 500k.
that’s where the fun ends.
why would anyone risk a bunch of chips just to win these achievements?
or are these achievements only for players whose bankroll is 500 millions and more?

I must admit, I don’t look through my Achievements very often, but for this thread, I took a glance. I think they are fine and fun - and I like that the special ones are invisible - you can’t know what the achievement is until you do it. Don’t have many of those. There are any number of different, new Achievements Replay could add, related to MTT wins, leaderboard wins, success in promotions (for instance, an Achievement for winning a Winter Games medal, perhaps 3 Achievements for that - Gold, Silver, Bronze.) Thanks for wanting to hear what we think.


Hi ! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to give an opinion on the topic achievements!..I think it goes according to Replay Pokers style…like when you first sit down the box to chat or message says…“why not say Hi to someone at the table?”…so achievements is a chance to share with fellow poker nuts…show off what you earned right?..kinda like a kid with baseball cards…anyway …back to the achievements…I say Keep it…make up some new ones…I say do not pay off chips for any achievement…the achievement speaks for itself…up to the player to know his strengths and weaknesses…Luck a huge factor too!..That;s it…Thanks for maintaining a great poker site!..Cheers!..Sinatra14


A varied mix of achievements that are game specific could be cool. I also like the suggestion with giving a chip reward or perhaps stickers that will show while you are at the tables.

it a simole way to play poker with friends during quarentine and you dont have to use your real money if dont want to.
I dont like that it is not such a real luck as in a real poker game
you should add a videochat on the poker games