Something fishy going on

This was previously posted by Gatzby in the fairness debate thread.

Here’s how the dealer works: For each hand, we create a new deck deck of cards ordered lowest to highest. A card is then randomly selected from that deck and put it into another deck. This process is repeated until every card has been randomly selected from the first deck and moved to the second deck. After the second (entirely random) deck is complete, the dealing process begins from the top of the deck just as you would have in real life poker. As mentioned before, this process has absolutely no knowledge of anybody’s hands or previous decks.”

Thanks, Craig. I didn’t know the shuffle algorithm had previously been documented.

Based on what is stated, I (for one) buy it and say “Let the debate end.” I’ve always wondered if they shuffle the entire deck before a hand starts, or if they shuffle it as the hand progresses. What is stated seems correct and random.

Thanks again for providing this previous post.

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look, I have before. I have explain numerous patterns . when something is random there is no patterns hence word random. I can’t say much more than that or I’ll get in trouble with replay police


You’re welcome and my pleasure. All is good :+1:t2:


Oh that certification from a company I have no idea if they’re even real or not just alleviates all my doubts and I’ll just ignore all the patterns I see over and over. Nothing to see here people move along.

It’s like the mafia getting certification from the Government to commit crimes.

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May I remind you all that this is a poker strategy discussion instigated by the OP regarding why a player called a hand in a certain way, and please keep to the topic.
Thank you in advance

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I’ll be honest, I’ve had thoughts of that same thing. too many times i’ll be down to heads up and the other person will call basically everytime or bet but as soon as I get a killer hand like pocket kings or aces they fold right away

It is called intuition, my friend

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But what strategies do you use to disguise the fact that you have pocket aces or Kings, and yet you want to get the pot to be large pre-flop? Is there anything in your betting pattern that gives away your hand.

Remember that hands like pocket aces or Kings are very powerful when you are heads up with an opponent, but if you get into multi-way pots, they are much less potent, and even if you shove the flop, you may get two callers who are chasing flushes or straights, or you may encounter an opponent who has hit a set or two pairs on the flop. In pots where you are up against one opponent, pocket aces and pocket kings are much more likely to win when there are no danger cards on the flop.

I suggest that you enter the tournaments that are $1 million to enter. The standard is still pretty low, but there are probably less people playing random hands and getting lucky.