How is COVID-19 impacting your life?

Very stylish headgear, Fl. Thanks for all you’re doing; it’s gotta help.


Be careful Jeff

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You are one of my heroes, truly! Many, many thanks.

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I’m learning how to play Omaha Hi/Lo :+1:t3:


Remodeling and organizing my space over and over
While playing a few hands of Omahaha of course.

Stay safe, stay engaged and stay social distant it does help.


Welcome to the Forums, Gaga! Good luck at the games, and come back here for safe social interactions!


Poker night is getting weird.


Work at Wal-Mart I manage my own store right now just trying take care of as many household as possible!


Thank you for your hard work, StonedKold! Welcome to the Forums. Hope to see you here more often–as you have time!


I concur with Jan. It’s the unsung heroes of the mundane that keep the world going day in and day out. They get little credit until they suddenly disappear; until then, they’re basically unseen. Truly Kipling’s “Sons of Martha.”


Thanks for doing this… :wink:

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Welcome, Kurtny. Enjoy the Forums and good luck at the tables.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Comments of new tables. curious what other tester think



Hiy Sassy… yep, I’m in the same boat as you, I also live alone and haven’t been outside my apartment for the last 4 weeks now, I always keep a nice clean and tidy apartment but now it’s SPARKLING :sweat_smile: my life at the moment consists of cleaning and dusting, Netflix, Amazon video, bluray’s and a little more time at the PC due to these unfortunate circumstances… I’m pleased to hear that you’re coping though and can only hope that people act responsibly with social distancing so that the pandemic is soon behind us all. :pray:


so your pot has pot

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Just a quick note to everyone shut in during this Easter season because of this horrid pandemic…My wife an I wish that you all have a safe holiday…to all those working on the new tables…good luck trying to please everyone…the closer you get to the features available on the old tables, the happier most people will be…that’s my opinion…just being able to hug each other again or shake hands would be a nice feature to add…just sayin’


I have been very happy that there has been very little talk about the virus at the tables. I have played everyday for a month and not one conversation started. This is nice, so that we can play and take our mind off of it. Thanks to everyone for making this a place we can forget for a little while.


Today I went out for the first time in over a month to buy a TV to play video games in my room (I figured It would just be quicker then ordering online with most online orders backed up.)

I went to my local WalMart and there were no lines getting and if there was no employees were enforcing it. A lot of people were wearing masks and there were markings on the floor to be 6 feet apart but that was about it. People were sill gathering in groups in the aisles so that was frustrating.

Most of the time I was in there was spent in line at the registers because they’re were only 2 of them open.

I kept my distance from people and was in and out of the store in 15 minutes. I really hope this pandemic ends soon and things start getting back to normal.


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