HTML5 Table Feedback

I’m having a hard time cope’n with Covid-19, whether its food or just ciggerettes, everything is a hastle. I spend many hours by myself as I live alone. Now its 24/7…

Whether its sewing masks for hospital staff, delivering groceries to shut-ins, or free concerts online… Everyone is trying to pitch in. I’m doing the same just for replay. Donating what talent I might have, and having something to work on and get my mind off things…

My 1st post, didn’t display table, so I deleted it and reposted this.
Sure this couldda been in " I made this " or " Comments from testers on tables "

This is 100% to scale, and it was created in Paint (.bmp)…

I don’t know about you but knowing when next break is ( so I can Pee ), is important as is all the current 9 lines of status… Even T-Leader is important, and everyone wants thier 2 minutes of fame… To this end I found space up top to put 2 boxes with room for 5 lines. Having them back up top also helps for periferal vision, as bottom right corner forces most ppl to turn thier head rather than scanning up top. It also helps to brighten screen, cutting down on eyestrain.

The Table border is exact size, yet bottom seem’d lopsided visully so I cut a little off the felt so I could expand up the whole bottom section, thus adding 1 line of chat. ( to 6 lines )

I spent 3 hrs on different backgrounds, but in the end I went with off white-peach… having the background lighter, even working on it, cut down alot on my eyestrain… Prolly why noone likes the “sea of green/blue/purple”… it just makes things so dark…

Paint didn’t allow me to transfer logo or players over easily and look right, so I just stuck with what I got. Because the table is exact size, where the players go is where they are now. Players plaque, pot are overlayed… and table logo can be add’d easily .

This is how I’m cope’n , and yea… I made this…lolol… hope ya’ll like it. ( just suggestion )