Hot or Cold? Which do you prefer?

Hot or cold

Lots of weather stories in the news these days! I wonder which you prefer–if you can’t choose perfect temperature every day. Would you rather be hot or cold? Any stories to back up your preferences?

I’ll start: I visited the tropics a few years ago, and I was so baking hot there was no way I could stay outside for more than 30 minutes. There’s no way to dress appropriately for killer heat. I visited Alaska a couple of winters ago, and I was able to dress warmly and stay outside half of the day. So you have my answer: I’d much rather be cold!


I like the cold,i am used to it in Sweden,i remember a trip to Spain,walked out the airplane and it was 35 degrees,was like a hot wall hahaha,in swedisch summers we have around 20 degrees!


I live in New England so I have the luxury of 4 seasons. 3 months of different weather is ok with me :+1:t2: I like heat but dry heat, definitely not tropical heat.


Definitely cold!!! It has not been above -5F for almost 3 weeks now, with wind chills between -25 and -50F. With a fresh 2 feet of snow, it is brilliant. Snow and cold are so peaceful. It gives me time to just sit on my porch and relax. Of course, I don’t have to leave my mountain top, except maybe to take garbage to the dump every couple weeks. (We have no garbage pick-up here) My horses love the snow, as do my cats.


Where I live (Beijing, China) has two seasons - hot and cold. Spring and Autumn are so short, they pretty much don’t exist. Summer is the worst by far. There are never any cool days. At least in Winter there are plenty of milder than average days, but Beijing is absolutely boiling hot and humid for five months solid. I’m British, so all extremes of temperature bother me, but heat is particularly bothersome. That said, if I’m not working, I don’t care.


Thanks for the response, Jabr. I assume you have access to air conditioned buildings? You’ve made a great case for cold as opposed to hot! Air conditioning homes (in California, where I’m from) can be extremely expensive. Where I live now (Northern California, on the coast) I am fortunate to need no cooling–mild weather year round.


I love the cold weather! I’m not much of a fan of hot weather unless there is a pool, ocean or air conditioning nearby.

I think it’s because I’ve lived in Massachusetts all my life and we only get hot weather a few months out of the year. Most of the time it’s cold outside and I’m just used to the weather.



My new HVAC system cost me a little over $12,000 last year. Gotta have it in the summer. I like to remain a constant 68 degrees in the house LOL. Beijing Is hot :hot_face: in the summer. Keep cool as best you can :+1:t2:

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Oh, you bet. I’ve never seen anywhere that didn’t have A/C and heating. For most people in the city, heating is included in their rent. It’s old-style communist heating - the government switches the heating on in November and turns it off in March. I don’t have it. My apartment has floor heating, so my electricity bill is pretty high throughout the year.

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I detest all weather. When it’s hot, I want it to be cold, when it’s cold, I want it to be hot. When it’s perfect, it saddens me because I know it won’t last. I should move to the moon.


I can truly say this is way better than apathy! :laughing:


Here’s Coastal California’s version of brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Hahahaha, just enough for my cocktail :tropical_drink::joy:


In the words of Jerry Reed, “When you’re hot, your hot. When your not, you’re not!”
