Dream Weaver

@_Rain @Nebulos , the players who were on the table at the time were rude about it when I asked if it was necessary to add the F every time and then they typed in caps just to be more disrespectful , if that didn’t happen I wouldn’t have said that I will remove players . I work hard to keep this league running smoothly and in return I ask for respect not only to me but all the members of the league. I did say that Rens had a great team and I love to see 4 competitive teams battling it out each game. You don’t have to like me or agree with me, as far as I am concerned this topic is closed .


WS66 I could rip this response to shreds on so many levels, but I won’t, much like me you are entitled to your opinion

Just to be clear I do like you Sharon, None of us have to be here we want to be here, A lot of members have formed friendships beyond the tables, when that is threatened a visceral reaction is forthcoming, this is your league you make the rules, It is also your job to control the drama as best as you can, defuse, I have seen you do it before. My post was my opinion in an open forum nothing more, I know it may not seem obvious but I was trying to help.

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I am one of the culprits on the night in question when TJ responded to a teammate with “nfh”. I made a joke with the letter F in response it was not taken as such, and for that, I apologize. In theory, “F” could stand for freaking too, but I get it. Before then, I had never included the letter F in any of my text responses my entire time on Replay, including in Dreamweaver play, and I will not in the future. I try my best to exhibit good sportsmanship, leave my emotions at the door, be encouraging, and kind to my fellow players, and I will continue to do so. I consider the topic closed as well. FWIW, I was invited many times to play league poker and kindly refused. Anyway, I played the 6:30 AM 250K almost every morning and met Whit “weedwoman420” there. She invited me to join the Renegades, and I refused, telling her 9:30 pm was a little late for me. She was persistent to say the least and is quite the salesperson and eventually talked me into it. Needless to say, I had to adjust my sleep time to pull it off. It didn’t take long until I loved team play, being a lifelong competitor in many team sports throughout my life. Now league play is my priority, and I am dedicated to it. I really enjoy playing in this league and am thankful to the ones who help organize it.


See, if you all just played on your phones like me we wouldn’t be having this problem… LOL.


Disclaimer: I try to never get involved in melodrama or confrontations. This is not directed to anyone or any particular post. It is a mere feeble attempt to regain some semblance of normality and to reinstate the mutual exchange of friendly banter and respect which we have all grown accustomed to in DW league! :slightly_smiling_face:


I just want to add my dime’s worth (adjusted for inflation) to the “discussion” that is going on, and I specifically want to talk to all the Renegades who feel like they’re being picked on. First off, let me add my opinion of your team to what others have said. You guys have a very strong team, a lot of very good players. But let’s address the issue at hand for exactly what it is. And let me say that if you type nfh to a teammate, I couldn’t care less. To me, that’s a compliment. If I say to Sharon, “Nice f**king hand, Boss” I’m giving her very high praise. But if I chase a hand that I had no business playing and hit, and somebody on another team says nfh, that’s not a compliment. I take that as an implied attack. It’s passive-aggressive behavior. And when that person, or persons, starts saying it in all CAPS when they’ve been asked not to say it at all, then it’s REALLY obvious what they mean. To deny it is transparently bogus. It is what it is. My daughter had a friend in high school who would say the most horrible things, and when you called her on it, she would say, “I’m only kidding!” No, you’re not, and you meant every word you said. If people want to get on Skype or whatever and say all kinds of nasty things about people, that’s fine. Get out your frustration and your aggression there. But friends, when we play poker on here, it’s supposed to be a competitive but friendly time. When we joke with someone on the other team, let’s make it obvious that we’re just having fun. If I say “nice catch RYAN,” he knows I’m just having fun with him! Tell people on the other teams nh or nb often. When you take them out, say GG. That’s sportsmanship, which is all what we should want on here. To quote the late, great, Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”


Thank you Hapzap , I appreciate it. I am glad that you are enjoying team play !


I just want to remind everyone that as a league organizer I am expected by replay to follow "Moderation of Leagues

League members are expected to abide by the standard Replay Poker Code of Conduct while participating in the League."

Just because it it a private league doesn’t mean anything goes.


Some great posts here! very glad to see all is getting along again.
Love the Leagues and friends , more fun to play when all gets along.


I don’t know Zona… I’m still pretty offended by adren-all-in’s picture of a cute puppy and kitten… It should be taken down immediately. This is outrageous…



You know everyone, bottom line is it’s Sharon’s league and what she says or does goes. You don’t have to like it, but live with it. Sharon has had this league, one that gets 60+ players every game, for a long time. As a fellow Organizer, it’s important to run a tight but fun ship. I know from experience that what Sharon says…goes…period. Yeah Sharon, I have your back on this subject.


!st league I started inn… sharon is a good friend to have… all though she be a little rough on us pirates …



This is nearly identical to what I posted in the DWL Skype Chat a bit earlier. I believe that there are several that frequent this Forum but do not participate in Skype.

After reading all the recent drama in this Forum and what could be called an overflow of sorts in the DWL Skype Chat, I find myself compelled to say something. Words do matter… how they will be received greatly depends on the context and tone of the delivery. It is simple enough for anyone to degrade, name-call and/or belittle anyone else, indirectly by implication… like where saying “it is naive for you to think…” is calling that person stupid and asking “why are you trying to be an a**hole?” in response to whatever, which is essentially stating that, that person is one… with a legal loophole for denial. The bottom line is that we all are adults in terms of age, wisdom and, for the most part, intellectually. And it is because of the collective desire of mostly all Weaving Dreamers, both past and present, that this League is, where and what it is today. Oh, yeah… and having Sharon oversee everything, I suppose that kinda helped too. I have been with this League since day one pretty well and I have seen and read it all, good, bad and indifferent and I was a participant is some kerfuffles, both willingly and unwillingly. It seriously affected my health and led to my not playing for around 18 months. During that time I followed what was going on by reading the Forum after each game. So please do not allow yourself to get wound up about things that 1) you basically have no real control over [meaning other personalities] and 2) are, at best, trivial when it comes to the big picture and what really matters in one’s life. What you have just read was not directed to any individual(s) in particular or at all for that matter, it was simply just me, being me.


Sometimes an apology is given by a party who knows that they are right in order to calm the seas. I for one pray for a different discussion as this should be put to bed.


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Doon very nice, thank you.

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bravo… very well said bob

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