Dream Weaver



Congrats Rens and a shout out to Tom/Crane , who was outnumbered and won the game.


It was a wonderful game, very enjoyable.


I was knocked out relatively early at position 29, but I knew rens were doing very well and to score 108 may be our record for us.

So, our team could not topple the crane, must have been impressive for him.


They needed my flamin sword to burn the crane down.

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Last night was a very impressive performance both by the Ren’s and Tom, @Weedwoman420 and crew have done an incredible job recruiting and playing! Tom was shielded from Mags Bick lighter duct taped to a broom handle, then played against some of the toughest players here. @craneguy did the Con’s proud! and the Rens had an outstanding night with 103 team points, you break a hundy thats a big deal!!


Top Scores for the year so far (date result was posted to this thread):
Cons 150 Jan 12 (15 of 18 points positions, all but 1st, 16th, and 18th)
Cons 115 Jan17
Pirates 108 Feb 5
Pirates 106 Feb 6
Renegades 105 Jan 29
Renegades 103 Feb 15


I think maybe a bigger deal is what happened Thursday. Sharon do you care to address your actions on the table the other night. It was uncalled for. I do not take kindly to idle threats that you were tossing around. You owe everyone there an apology.

I do not owe anyone an apology , I will not be disrespected like I was and they weren’t idle threats , players who continue to do so WILL be removed. I am the one who should get an apology , which I did get from 1 Ren. I have watched tables in other leagues where Rens play and MTTs and no one says nfh or adds the f in any of their comments so don’t do it in DW ! Rens are a strong team and it took a lot of work to build your team so don’t let something as petty as feeling the need to add f in all your comments ruin what your team has accomplished


I can respect that. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Only caught part of that and was thinking what the heck is going on. Can’t undo what was said or threatened now, but in the future keep it in private chat between the pertinent parties. The chat screen is so small that comments are gone quickly and forgotten just as quickly.
Other than that, this league is outstanding and has the greatest players I play with.


The best part of this league is the group of fun and talented players and FRIENDLY, GOOD NATURED competition. Hopefully, whatever happened is water under the bridge. See everyone tonight :slight_smile:



Great game tonight. Hit the two hour break with a full table, roller coaster ride all night, and going 1,2,3,4 is a great team result (thanks for the pep talk tonight @Despina11.) Best part of team poker is having your teammates pick you up until you hit your stride.
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Congratulations on the win Pirates! and @southwestmba very well played congrats on taking first place!!


I have my fellow Renegades’ backs 100%. No player should ever be removed for simply putting the letter f between an n and an h in a public chat. It is not disrespectful and “petty” in any way at all and should not be seen in that way. It is directed towards a fellow teammate, not to opponents. I obviously can’t see the chat since I play on my phone as an NCP (Non-Chattable Player) heh, but if I was able to see the chat then I would have absolutely no problem at all seeing “nfh” from an opponent directed towards their teammate. But hey, that’s just a personal opinion which is exactly what is going on here. And one personal opinion should not dictate what can and can’t be said in a public chat and the removal of a player from the league. Sharon, please roll down your eyes a little bit so that you can properly see the Renegades as they truly are… A fully united, respecful team that is simply having fun playing poker and congratulating each other. We are not the disrespectful and petty jerks that you are making us out to be. And if you think this message warrants my removal from the league then by all means, please do. And by so doing you will completely prove my point for everyone to see.


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First off, I’d like to say to you @Nebulos you’re right the Renegades are a fantastic team, and I keep statistics, so I know the numbers of all the players, your teammates are a solid group. The kind of poker players I like to play against. Your personal numbers are top of your team at 129 points scored already this quarter. Your new players are doing great, I look forward to every game I play.

I agree with you that these acronyms are light and complimentary in nature in my opinion.

I also believe that these situations should be handled privately and not for all to see.

I ask artificial intelligence about this situation, I will not post the results, it is inflammatory toward the handing of this situation, and I am about solutions not escalation.

My suggestion would be much like some other leagues, if there is a rule that needs to be implemented, there is a procedure for that, organizers and team captains discuss, decide, and then put out a notification to all members.

Then that rule is added to the team code of conduct and league rules that are published for all members to read.

I do not know of such a document in Dream Weaver, I only received a list of pointers when I joined, it may exist, but I haven’t seen it, so maybe that’s something that needs to be written.

What I do know from my experience as an organizer is that the normal rules of Replay do not apply to private leagues. Some extreme rules do apply but Replay leaves control in the hands of the organizers.

I do know that in regular Replay games in the lobby you can say NFH all day and it is not filtered out, because it is not on their list of things you can’t say. If enough players are offended by your NFH they can file a report to staff, then staff will assess and decide about recourse.

There is always the option of if you are offended by what someone says you can use the built in feature of muting them, Replay has installed this feature to help people decide what offends them and what does not.


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whether players like it or not, this has been talked about and addressed by Sharon lately and apparently no one cared. Notice was given!! Just because one finds it appropriate in regular replay is not the issue. This is a fun and clean league, Period!!