Don't let players sit out the whole tournament

We’ll be shortly adding a 5 min time limit for sitting out of tournaments. Thanks to everyone who added their feedback to this thread.

TY Paul, I think that will be a great enhancement to the site.

Again, I disagree with this change for tournament play. After all a player can manually post and fold, if he has the patience or post and fold one hand to get another 5 min. This is a strategy of the tournament game! Yes, the other players get mad! I get mad at the river card quite often, as do many other players! Should we banned the river card? Yeah, HOW ABOUT A TABLE WITHOUT A RIVER CARD!!! Sorry, I digress. However, in a REPLAY tournament game the seat remains the same color, you do not know when a player post and folds or when they return. Thus, they are given an edge they should not have compared to a real tournament game. So, the real solution is to change the color of the post and away seat.

I agree with changing the color of the Post and Fold, I think this would be a better idea.

Changing the colour sounds like a great idea too anyone else like to comment?

some players abuse post and fold away button.

i feel u register for tourney you should play. i understand emergency’s come up or people need to leave. that’s where a stand up button is needed. only good thing for post and fold away button is needed is if you need a restroom break,smoke break, get snack or something to drink. it should not take 5 minutes do any of those things. to me its unfair to people who try to win or to be top 3 for payouts. I been in several tournaments where I have placed 4th and person who is not even trying ends up 3rd or even 2nd.

i agree with the change of the color of a seat that is post and fold away and add a timer for them get back and maybe limit the amount of times they can check the post and fold away

I agree 100%…You cant win when you dont play.

I agree 100%…You cant win when you dont play.

I suggest just changing the seat color and no time limit. OK, up the blinds faster. What happens if a player post and folds manually and uses the 5 min. time limit, too, and gets to the top three? Are you going to limit the number of times one can fold in a row before house security throws you out into cyberspace? Look, playing against a known empty seat should be a challenge a benchmark for your ability and playing style. Can you beat an empty seat?

You are allowed to fold every hand…but i think when you join a tour you have to be there and play (or fold every hand if you wish)…when you dont wanna play a tour…dont join it.

In tournament play your chips holds your seat as long as you post and fold. Free chips for the table. No worries, Right! Your asking REPLAY to tailor typical rules to suit your liking and REPLAY has free chips, as I’m often reminded at the tables. What playing philosophy do you have: 1. Playing serious with the rules, but not taking the results serious because the chips are free at REPLAY. 2. Playing freely with the rules because the chips are free and taking the results serious.

These are the two philosophy’s that butt heads at the tables everyday. I contend one of the two is wrong and will not support changes to support that mentality.

i agree with trav and the ie

oops didnt get to finish my mouse is acting crazy i agree with the idea of making it known to rest of players when a person is absent and using the post and fold by color coding and i also agree with the 5 minute rule 5 minutes and ur gone when i ran tournaments in gamedesire poker we had a 10 minute disqualifying rule which was way too long for us to wait for the timer to go off on a person and now they have changed it to 3 hands and youre out if not playing which is way too short so i really like the 5 minute rule it is fair

Paul, I implore you to not bend to the will of popular opinion regarding this issue. Just change the seat color of a post and away player, so players know he is gone. I know I don’t abuse this tactic personally. It is a nuance of the game most may not like, but should be there just the same. I would say it is a kin to getting rid of water hazards on golf courses because most players don’t like dealing with them.

when sitting out, u should only be able to sit out 2 or maybe 3 hands. some people just sit there keeping their seat for a half hour. while other players could be playn and not waitn.

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled seat hoarders.

problem with 2 or 3 hands rule is if people know your gone they going to just hurry and play get through the 2-3 hands to get people out. this would only work for the non tourney tables. on tourney tables 3-5 minutes be plenty of time quick smoke use restroom get snack or get drink

I havent got a strong opinion on the subject but i think players who who are doing this just to be placed or for the stats should take up another hobby because its pointless them playing really, but on the other hand they could be missing out on good hands and therefore half the time they are the ones missing out.

You know you all have your right. both side. seat out have a benefits and downside. play all way have a benefits and downside to.

One thing I can tell . no limit holdem rules allow you to seat out as much as you want and long as you want. ( yes Im annoyed too when some player wont play just in the end… But this is part of the game, if you get annoyed and lose your control: then you lose your chips. Its your choice. Alternatively you can sign up for 5-6 tour and do the same with thet person, and play real on other.

ONE more: if you open ANY poker book and read up what they advise give to multi table tournaments, firs thing: you better seat out for a longer period of time at the bigining to learn your oponents.

I tend to agree with you on the first point but you said read any poker book and it tells you to sit out for long periods of time to learn your opponents i havent read that what it does say in the poker books is to look for live tells and betting patterns that would be the logical way to learn from your opponents.

you should be lawyer, same thing but diff words, more detailed your version, I just want to tell a simple way. ( dont spread secrets) :slight_smile: