Badonk's Donks Stables Social Chat

how to enter in a league

@pozamio5523 please accept my friend request and I’ll send you some info.

Please welcome @AbuseMod who is trying out for the Donks.

Thank you @chuckcox for recruiting.

@AbuseMod my man!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Badonk’s Stables League Results and Updates


@johnnierotten is trying out for the Donks. Welcome and good luck.

Thanks @chuckcox for recruiting.

Donks Omaha in 30 minutes :slight_smile:

Just joined coin poker recently would like to join donk league

Hi Bug, thanks for your interest. To automatically qualify for the Donks you need a Replay Rank below 2000, or you can try-out when your Replay rank is below 15000.
I may have another option for you, just send me a friend request please.

Congrats @Forthreeeeee, you have qualified for full Donks membership :slight_smile:

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@hundylegs is trying out for the Donks. Good Luck Hundylegs.

Thanks chuckcox for recruiting :slight_smile:

Hello from Colorado and thank you, flashlight and chuckcox for the opportunity! I’m going to register for my first game today, so I need all the luck I can get. :smile:


CONGRATULATIONS @harleyrg07, you are this Month’s TOP DONK.
In May you had a win, a 2nd, a 3rd and 3 additional Top 10 finishes. A very consistent month.

Other players in the running this month were @Clueless1, @PF540 and @Panther101 who all also had an excellent month.


Congratulations harleyrg07 well deserved.

congrats harleyrg07 well done

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Congrats @harleyrg07 !! Well Done

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@Jimmydeann and @chipnwin1 are trying out for the Donks.
Welcome and good luck.

Thank you chuckcox for recruiting


Please welcome @BluffingBride who has automatically qualified and is officially a Donk.

Thank you again @chuckcox