Badonk's Donks Stables Social Chat

Congratulations @harleyrg07! Great pokering Bob!

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Thank you much.

Thank you


@KileKing has re-joined the Donks League.

I look forward to seeing you bat the tables :slight_smile:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Badonk’s Stables League Results and Updates

Welcome back @sometimes who is trying out to become a Donk again.

Top 10
The bopflop Omaha Open : June 3rd
1 @KirbyMuckIt
3 @Ann122020
4 @Daredevil99
5 @sweetjoyce
6 @Gotthejack
7 @Nemesis67
8 @Sue13
9 @FatnSassy
Players 10 @mayo_1506
OFFICIAL LEADERBOARD LINK - 2nd Quarter of 2024 | Donks
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@CoolCat714 is our latest new member.

Thank you chuckcox again for recruiting.

Welcome. See you at the tables.

Hallo zusammen ^^)) Freue mich dabei zu sein!

Welcome Cat and best of luck.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Badonk’s Stables League Results and Updates

gl coolcat 714 have fun

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@YazsSox is trying out for the Donks.
Good luck Steve.

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wow @jujube, 2 wins in a row. wd :slight_smile:


Way to Go Julie!!! @jujube just joined an exclusive club winning twice in the same day in Gold’s. Only 12 others did this in over 5 years prior to today :slight_smile:

Black Widow ran the numbers last time it happened out of curiosity and was surprised to see that this actually happened relatively often in 2021. The Wed 3PM game and the Sunday 3PM game were introduced in 2020 Q3 and in 2021 Q1, respectively, so there were not so many opportunities to win 2 games on the same day before 2021.

Date Donk Tournaments
2019-01-13 morgan11 2437325, 2437332
2021-02-10 ohjoe2 4160388, 4131430
2021-02-17 sugarblossom 4160389, 4131431
2021-03-14 theweasle 4239161, 4204147
2021-04-25 -BlackWidow- 4308675, 4342676
2021-05-12 Clueless1 4365081, 4381271
2021-06-02 snitty 4416088 , 4416083
2021-07-28 Gotthejack 4529124, 4565406
2021-09-08 crosby63 4584247, 4613340
2022-06-22 slader43 5221497, 5222135
2022-09-11 NorthEndPhil 5346864, 5347322
2022-11-13 ajwale 5522659, 5523045
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Thanks, Andy. I was a little surprised myself. It’s actually the first time I’ve won a tourney in this league.


Very impressive Julie…congrats and well done…

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