Achievements - Feedback

For new players and ones that aren’t very good I think there needs to be a set of achievements about basic poker fundamentals like an interactive tutorial of sorts specifically about ranges and position with at least some info on why… eg. win with the hands on this range board when in early,middle,late position “When your in early/late position you should play a tighter/looser range of hands because…” etc. it would take a while to complete all the hands in all the positions boards but once a player got those badges they’d remember at least some of the boards and more importantly the concept itself, the achievement being better poker skills.


Thoughts on Roman Numerals instead of Arabic Numerals? This idea is something we have been toying with.

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It was no accident when our ancestors switched away from Roman numerals to Arabic. I wouldn’t easily give up our current system for “regular” use, though it does seem more “ceremonial” for formal occasions. But, seriously, who wants to try reading ID instead of 499 (the 1 to the left of the D is subtracted from the 500) on an every-time basis? Or XXXXVIII for 48? Just the sheer space required for any large number would be daunting. “I bet XXXVII.” “I’ll see your XXXVII and raise CCLIII!” “I’m all in for MMMCDXVII (3417)”

I’d prefer numbers we’re all quickly and easily familiar with, and recognize as numbers, not words…

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I also would like to see a reward of chips given out for the achievements as this would make us try harder to accomplish them and maybe for the harder achievements a “swag” item could be the prize. Just a thought.


Alan, I think he meant for the achievements, not everyday play :slight_smile:

As @Alan25Main said, probably best to stick with something we all know. I went into a bar in Rome once, ordered 2 beers by holding up 2 fingers, and they brought me 5 of them!


:exploding_head: :rofl:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Poker Table Feature Requests

When I started I had no idea how to play poker (Still trying to figure it out). I was afraid of the tournaments, but I could open a table. Made me feel good to get a badge for that. There were no chips, just the pride of going outside my comfort zone. With the silly badges – my comfort zone expanded. I still only do ring, Freerolls and a few “pay with ticket” games. But, if not for the badges, not sure I would have stayed. Because for the first year – all I played was low level ring (Poorly). But I earned several badges. They are kind of silly – but for a non-player - they make you feel like you are learning :grin:


Me gusta que te den premios cada dia y poder seguir jugando
I like that they give you prizes every day and be able to continue playing

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Welcome to the Forum, Mefasto. Hope to see you here often.

any data-driven reward system would be welcomed
swag item or trophy would be cool
unique winner for each tourney or data-driven-ring-game-play etc.

I would ask the players to propose some achievements. For example, an achievement could be a perfect fold with an extremely good hand against an opponent having even better hand, so avoiding a huge loss by a good fold!

Los logros estan geniales, aunque considero que deberían haber algunos mas como ganar con pocas probabilidades, 10 victorias con cada opcion por ejemplo 10 victorias con carta mayor 1 logor, 20 con par otro logro, 30 con trio otro logro, 40 con escalera otro logro y asi hasta llegar a la escalera real y que tambien cada logro alcanzado nos otorgara fichas
Translation -
The achievements are great, although I think there should be some more like winning with low odds, 10 wins with each option for example 10 wins with a higher card 1 achievement, 20 with another achievement, 30 with three other achievement, 40 with another achievement ladder and so on until we reach the royal flush and that each achievement will also grant us chips

Achievements are fine but if you want to get people more interested you may want to make a competition out of it. People love to compete. Add some sort of a ranking that people can shoot for. Rewards for achieving certain goals can be in the form of recognition or free chips.

I’ve been playing on Replay for quite a few years now. Met some very nice people and some not so nice. Made some very good friends as well. Over the years, I’ll admit, I’ve done my share of complaining. I’ve always had a courteous reply. I’ve read some comments and I concur with the one that suggests that a certain chip amount should go along as a prize with the achievement award.

So if you are going to add a numerical overlay, you could also add an overlay to show different levels. I made some rapid prototypes to see what these might look like for bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond levels…

aaabronze aaasilver aaagold
aaaplatinum aaadiamond

And when combined…



2 Points:

  1. Small chip allotment for Achievements.

  2. There should definitely be a bad beat Achievement. To have an Ace high full house then to get beat by a runner, runner, runner quad hand is just down right wrong.

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I think the daily login chips should be done away with,maybe offer something better for those who play everyday for 3 months,like bonus chips based on how many months we login w/o missing a day

I see your still trying to decide what to do with tournament points. It has been quite a while and nothing has been done maybe now is the time to turn them in to chips every so often and let the players have them. Other then that I am happy with every thing the way it is.