100k CONTEST - What's your favorite summer Olympic sport?


Fencing. Grace, finesse, power and speed. My wish is that they spend more time with the athletics and less with the athlete profiles and stories.

For me its Gymnastics because I was a gymnast growing up and I have a grandson who is a fantastic gymnast. Love the sport and the flexibility of it.


The long jump and pole vaulting have always interesting to me.


So far, my favorite enjoyment , has been basketball, However, I have enjoyed the swimming competitions, also.
Let me say, all the participants, have been exceptional, and its been great!

My favourite sport in the Olympics is Mens Basketball.

Go Aussie Boomers!

My favourite will always be the Gymnastics :slight_smile: outstanding skills and so beautiful to watch :slight_smile:

I love both the men’s and women’s gymnastics! Good luck USA!

Deinitely basketball. I love seeing the US win by 90 against third world countries.

my favorite would be track and field, but also like rugby and swimming

I’ll go with Tennis because I love it when they score an Ace! :1st_place_medal:

Boxing and football.

Badminton, Olympic 1992…Susi Susanti & Alan Budikusuma (gold medal)

the best has to be the 4x400 meter relays. nothing like a team winning in track n field

Oldest sport Wrestling! True sport pitting one person against another of equal size to see who is the best!

My favorite is the women’s gymnastics!!

Boxing. nothing beats seeing people go 8-12 rounds punching on eachother to see whose got more skills and spirit. I like all the sports, just a really big boxing or mma fan.

Rifle shooting is my favorite