100k CONTEST - What's your favorite summer Olympic sport?


I’m not much into any sports. But if I’m flipping through channels and I see ski-jumping, I might stop flipping and watch for a few minutes. So I’ll say that is my favorite Olympic sport.

Marathon - Men and Women is the best

The entirety of Track and field. There are no style points. There is no evaluating or deductions. It is simply that if you run faster, you win. If you jump higher, you win. If you throw farther, you win.

Climbing, it’s so intense and the climbers all have so much skill (I’m an amateur and can only fathom the training that they put in to climb like they do)

I have a passion for gymnastics. I was a gymnast in high school and briefly in college, I began coaching the sport in high school 52 years ago and my coaching career ends at the conclusion of this next season. The sport has changed tremendously over time yet, held onto the underlying theme of combining grace and seemingly effortless power with acrobatic wonders. Besides, who wouldn’t want to watch a sport whose original meaning is, " to train naked"? Cheers, Glennboy301

its a hard pick do to they add to the games i will have to go with skateboarding

synchronized swimming

Je reste en admiration devant absolument tous les sports. Je suis incapable d’en choisir un… Le dépassement de ces femmes et ces hommes est extraordinaire !!! Et les images absolument époustouflantes… les lieux, Paris, et les autres bases… Le plus grandiose pour moi restera les visages de tous, engagés, déterminés, épuisés mais si merveilleux de bonheur et de respect. Fanfan MANOUKIAN MONMARCHON
I remain in awe of absolutely all sports. I am unable to choose one… The surpassing of these women and men is extraordinary!!! And the absolutely breathtaking images… the places, Paris, and the other bases… The most grandiose for me will remain the faces of everyone, committed, determined, exhausted but so wonderful with happiness and respect. Fanfan


I absolutely love woman’s gymnastics. The balance beams, and floor exercises are thrilling to watch. I feel like the girls represent the best and brightest every four years. Good luck to all the participants.


My favorite sport is athletics

All of it ;-}

I enjoy watching all the olympic sports but if I had to choose a favourite I would have to say the gymnastics. My favourite overall is the womens vault followed closely by A-symetric bars and men’s rings (my grandfather used to perform on the rings in the circus and I love to see the sheer power in pulling a ‘crusifix’).


womens artistic gymnastics powerful sport that builds coordination boost confidence and takkes creativy to the next level.

My favorite is watching the Water Polo event. the strength and endurance to swim, tread water and work to score and defend as a team is amazing.

I own 2 horses, so of course my favorite is all the equestrian events. But I never miss mens and women’s gymnastics!

Swimming and Gymnastics.