100k CONTEST POLL: What do you love about poker?

Ah, February. Love is in the air! :cupid: Okay, maybe Valentine’s Day is a bit of a gimmick, so why don’t you profess your love for poker instead? :wink:

For a shot at 100,000 chips, we want to know what you love most about poker!

What do you love most about poker? (Choose up to 3.)
  • The competitive aspect
  • The challenge
  • Socializing with others
  • Staying mentally sharp
  • The excitement/rush
  • Winning!
  • Easy to play anywhere
  • Math/probability
  • Improving skills
  • Everything!
  • Other

0 voters

Want an extra shot at 100k? Reply to this thread and expand on your answer!

Winners will be drawn at the end of the month. The more participation we get, the more winners there will be! :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:


Poker is a great leveller. You cannot buy skill and experience, you cannot buy luck, but you can feel on top of the world if you are able to put any of this into practice and win a few games!


It teaches emotional stability in changing situations, how to play courteously without raging on the opponents and handle conflict properly, how to read people, fair gameplay, money management, and analytical thinking. Not only that, these characteristics will help in real life as well.


The competitive aspect


Its always about the friends that i see every day, we all know each other and have a great time playing at the same tourney but its always fun to win too, when you come in 1st place you get a huge rush and makes you want to do it all over again. Love the site but its the players that really make it !


There’s something to be said for physically relaxing during a mentally taxing process of some sort, and for me, poker is exactly that. A cup of tea (or something stronger), a comfy chair, and my body’s happy while my mind is engaged.


Love chatting with friends I made on here !

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Poker is like a great Zen Master. There is much to learn about yourself and others if you pay attention.


Communicating with others across countries and the thrill of testing your skill against other players.


Those of you that were born before WW2 know the insomnia and physical limitations we endure. Poker puts us into the arena where we can do combat with younger folks who have their lives ahead of them, on an equal footing. On- Line poker is thrilling at a time in our lives where very few thrills are available elsewhere. It provides challenge to allow us to ignore the challenge of mortality for a while.


Poker for me is keeping the brain sharp for when I get old. Playing on Replay with my friends every day keeps my mental health in good order, just like going to the gym and working out to keep fit for a good life. :slight_smile:


It gets things off of my mind and let’s me relax and have fun! Lots of nice players here to play with. Patience is a Virtue!

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what’s more fun. Meeting people, a nice word and a sporty game . What a great site and if you have a question, they are there for you.

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What I have come to realise, having played poker for over 20 years, is that I am a better person for it. For example, I learn to be kind (e.g. don’t bully when others have far fewer chips than I), to be honest (I generally don’t fib about my hand, but play honestly, only going high on my stake when I truly have what I think is the best hand (though I might occasionally fib when some other player is using bullying tactics), but perhaps most impacting is that I have learned to be patient, very patient and to appreciate that winning is a joy when it happens, but when it does not, it is a joy for one of my fellow players. God Bless.


I am a reasonably new player at 74 years of age and I love the challenge of being able to win the odd tournament. Here and there.

Having played poker for years with friends and family, I think this site is as close as you can get to the real thing. I enjoy meeting my poker pals at the table and chatting and I love the challenge of the Tourneys.

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I thought I was spending to much time playing Poker until my Dr told me that it is a good cognitive exercise. It should help stave off symptoms which lead to dementia.

I love taking out a Big Stack Bully , Especially when I slow play him.

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Me permite divertirme, y procurar aprender.

It allows me to have fun, and try to learn.

keeps me from dementia