What is a player rep?

The reps bother me. i do not need to be monitored while playing poker. Its ridiculous and and a bit insulting that replay thinks that we as players cannot answer poker questions or relay tech issues forward. And now we have one saying that his mere presence reduces donk play. I know of a couple of reps that wrote the book on donk play. Im sure the replay reps arent going anywhere since we dont know the real reason they were appointed in the 1st place. We have really only heard from the reps. No higher ups care to comment.

Hi All,

Wow! This is great! I am glad to see that there is so much interest in the Player Rep role. :slight_smile:

We just introduced the Player Rep role near the middle of April. Often players have questions, but don’t want to go to the trouble of sending an email to support or looking the answer up in our Knowledge Bases. Our Player Reps are on the tables to help answer questions, explain site navigation, etc. Player Reps are not on the tables to monitor. They are poker players, just like everyone else. They are available to step in if needed, but that is not their primary function. They may report unruly or offensive players and call in the big guns (Moderators) when necessary. Fortunately, that level of intervention isn’t often necessary.

We truly appreciate our players who have a strong desire to ensure that our site is a fun and friendly place to play poker with friends. This is our goal. We want Replay Poker to be the best free online poker site on the web, and our Player Reps are helping make this happen by giving of their time to assist other players.

The eligibility requirements for Player Reps has nothing to do with their bankroll. Many Player Reps have been invited to join the team based on the respect they have earned from other players for their great gamesmanship, willingness to help others and knowledge of the game. The eligibility requirements are:

• have a minimum of 6 months playing on Replay Poker.
• have a violation-free account and demonstrated good gamesmanship on tables and through chat.
• have good English language skills.
• are moderately knowledgeable about technology.
• are willing to make a time commitment of 5 hours per week.
• are able to participate in periodic team meetings (typically on weekends).
• are knowledgeable about site functionality.
• are knowledgeable about Texas Hold’em poker.
• are an active player on the site.

Many other players have been interested in the role and have reached out to us to join our family of Volunteers. We’re looking for the best of the best players within our community to assist others. I am always excited when new Player Reps join our team.

We reward all of our Volunteers in a variety of ways, but most have joined because they have a sincere desire to help others and tangible rewards are not their end goal.

If you would like more info, please send me a message at wordy1. I will be glad to provide you with additional information.

Thanks for opening this thread and giving me the opportunity to respond to your inquiries about our new Player Rep role. We are here to help. I am here to help. Contact me any time.


Susan Konrad
Head of Volunteers


Now the truth comes out. In what ways are the reps rewarded? I would like to know since they have all conveyed that they do this for nothing.

Were there so many unanswered questions that we needed so many of the reps? Everytime a question has been asked at a table I played on other players politely answered. Seems like a bit of overkill here

Hi NotTheOne,

We chat with our Volunteers daily and express our appreciation and applaud them for their dedication and good will. We have a warm and friendly group who bring fellowship and friendship to our team.

It isn’t a matter of having so many unanswered questions as it is in having folks available to help new players. We are growing at a rapid rate and yes, many new players do have questions. We want them to enjoy the site rather than become frustrated and leave because they are not clear on how the system works or how the games are played. The more folks we have who can be helpful, the better. I hope to add many, many more Player Reps to our family of Volunteers.




Im sure the offering of secret rewards will get you all the reps your heart desires.

Good morning. I just read all of your posts and all the discussion. Sorry if I bother you as you said player reps bother you. Being a player rep here on Replay is not all I do in life. Perhaps if you took a quick read of my profile maybe something else I did or do in life benefited you.

If not, in the future if you need my help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. My greatest reward is helping others as I have done since I was 18 years old.

Have a Happy Day :slight_smile:


lol…soon the site will be 50% players ( who apparently aren’t smart enough to help players ) and 50 % Reps who get rewarded for “volunteering”
I am sure that the Player Reps are all very nice people( I know a few of them) , I don’t think any of them should take this personally , the discussion here was not meant to attack them (unless they answer a question I already answered…lol ).

Seems a little insulting to all the players who have made the forum an interesting place to discuss issues and offer their help for free ( no secret rewards ).
The reason players leave the site is not because they become frustrated because they are not clear on how games are played , the reason they leave is because they get frustrated over the so called “random” cards . I know players who have left for this reason and by being active on the forum , have seen this issue brought up repeatedly.
Don’t get me wrong I love the site but my reason for that is the players I have met.I play more for the chat back and forth on the tables and to have a good time with these players.The poker part is more like a hit or miss depending on what seat you have or if you’re due to win . I take that with a grain of salt , and move on.

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You dont personally bother me Craig. Its the fact that reps show up on a table and chat dries up or the fact they answer questions we all answer anyways. i was not attacking your character. I was questioning the need for so many reps. Just like a gang, you all come to each others defense when no one was attacking you to begin with, only the institution itself. Im sure you are a fine upstanding citizen Craig but I do not believe we need so many replay reps. The game was fine before and didnt need the titles and monitors at the tables in my opinion.


“We reward all of our Volunteers in a variety of ways”

List them please.

Dont hold your breath…

Dear Sharon, I am a strong supporter of the Player Rep program by its conception and thinking. I do have a few concerns, however, and not just in their name. I will try to answer your question as best as I can. You asked, “why do we now need Player Reps when we didn’t need them before?”

The answer is in the Player Reps manual but we will discuss that later, as that defines what they do. But first this:

When I was a moderator, I quickly learned there was a need for many more moderators and the reason is because when you get four or five thousand people a day there is a lot of really bad actors with bad behavior. Worse, much of the bad behavior is never reported.

The reason for that is that Moderators get a sign that says “moderator”. But in reality the bad guys change their behavior when they see the sign. Soon they go to a table with no moderator. Currently moderators themselves report very few offenses; they just process complaints. They rely on the players to report others.

At the time I suggested getting rid of the sign and take away the different colored ink. In other words go incognito. Why? Because being known created a situation whereby all the bad guys went to tables with no moderators. That meant that the only offenses reported were those reported by players. Consequently many people kept leaving because of all the insults, and in the mean time moderators pretty much only processed reports.

But when management got so many people volunteering I think it tried to solve the bad behavior problem in a new way, by creating many Player Reps. Currently there are 18 Reps and each has a sign and colored ink. And it appears many more are on the way!

Yes, they are about helping new folks, and yes they answer questions. But the greater reason they are encouraging more and more volunteers is because there is still a lot of bad actors and as we grow there will be more.

Now, in fact it is one of the jobs of the Rep to report the bad guys. The official position has as a Rep’s principal duty to, “act as Replay Poker’s eyes and ears in the daily game activities on the site, and they report any site issues - technical or otherwise - directly to Support staff”. More precisely, the Reps: “Reports disruptive players”. This is from the Player Reps manual.

I wholly support all of the Player Reps’ assignments and duties. More, I hope they get all the benefits that come along and more. I know they deserve it.

However, there is one fundamental mistake being made; as it stands now they are hiding in plain site!!!

Let’s look at the numbers. There are about 1400 players currently seated. This translates into about 200 tables. Aside from the fact that we would need ten times more volunteers to be able to cover every table, it will become virtually impossible to do so.

But that isn’t the real problem. The real problem is that if you had even a hundred Moderators and Reps playing among the people it would start to feel Big Brotherish, especially when people know that even though they are called Player Reps, they are really Behavior Monitors. Indeed, I already get the feeling from the submissions to the forum that is happening.

So, I go back to what I suggested to Paul and Susan six months ago: that if you want to catch the bad guy stop helping them succeed by hiding in plain sight.

I suggest to put the moderators and volunteers undercover, make sure that it is understood that the work is about equal as I see it and pay them exactly the same. I would for public relations reasons also change both titles.

What I also think you should do is have other volunteers monitoring four or five tables a day, for an hour each. Along with that other volunteers should be monitoring the chat records as well.

“He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Then call them Replay Reps, not Player Reps… thats my only problem here.
They obviously represent Replay… have as many as ya want tho…

I am neither a moderator nor players rep any longer. I am not an employee either. Like you I am an interested player. So I have no say on what is done aside from what I say here. I do think there is an opportunity and I hope that both names “moderator” and “player rep” are changed to something creative and cool.

Are there really so many nasty players? In the 10 months or so I been here, I have only ran across a couple of them. So they really are replay monitors which was my suspicion all along. Why all the clandestine explanations about who they really are? Are we not important enough to replay to get an honest answer?

Honestly, I don’t understand the hostility. As many have said the intent behind most reps is to be helpful. As for attacking the institution as you stated above, that is your prerogative. It’s a free to play site that I believe to be the best around - as far as I can tell Replay is offering you something without asking for anything back. If you still feel wronged in some way you are obviously free to say so and remain unhappy.

As for the rewards - since I am so new I have not received any yet. The manual Scratch mentioned says a 50k chip bonus each month will be given in return for the a time commitment on the site. This is less than the 75k chips everyone receives each month just by logging on each day. I think there is also a tournament, but I can’t speak to specifics as I have not played in or seen this yet. As wordy1 mentioned, my goal was not to obtain a reward (hopefully you now see that it’s not millions of chips), it was to offer a hand to a site that I truly enjoy.

I also do not care what names are used to describe what Reps try to do. It is not my place to decide.

This is as straightforward I can be. Hopefully this helps!

All I really want is for people to enjoy their time playing this game we all love. I know I will!

Take care!

Hi everyone. There is little I can add to Susan’s explanation and the remarks of my fellow player reps. However I would like to explain one of the reasons I accepted the invitation to become one. I had been playing here for a few weeks and was beginning to enjoy myself when, totally out of the blue, a player who I had just knocked out subjected me to really awful verbal abuse, ending with he hoped my family and I would die. I was shaken, and had no idea what to do about it. I did not play here again for a few weeks after that. I would have been so grateful for the presence of a player rep on that table, and I do actually think it is of benefit for the players to know who we are. It is impossible for the MODs to be watching every table 24/7, these are voluntary jobs taken on by people who are grateful for the opportunity to play on a wonderful site like this. The more people who feel they want to help keep this site friendly and sporting the better. I am sad that anyone could consider us people who stop spontaneous chat, believe me I am the first to join in banter, it is part of the fun! Hope this makes you see us in a better light. xx Kate

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Hostility?? If you view my questions as hostile then thats your problem. they were not intended that way. I just wanted honest answers and it took a former employee to finally answer them. ive asked several reps what they receive for doing this and they all said nothing. Now we find out that its chips and tourneys w 100 buy in and a million in prizes. i wouldnt call that nothing. Im not saying that most of the reps arent good people although I know a couple that definitely lack people skills. I just wanted to know initially why replay monitors were called player reps when they dont represent the players. Scratch answered most of my questions with 1 post and I appreciate that. Replay shouldve been honest about all of this to begin with and not tip toe around the questions. They only bother me because chat changes when they sit at a table. Go incognito and get rid of colored chat and I would say my issues would be solved. Since I seem to be making all the replay reps mad, this will be my last post here in this thread since only lavish compliments and replay arse kissing is what most seem to want. Heres a tip. When a customer wants answers, it might be a good idea to provide them rather than talk around the questions and leave out key components.

I dont take you all personally in a bad light. Im very sorry you had a bad experience here. I really never have experienced that here so I wondered why there were so many reps all of a sudden. I apologize if you were offended by my posts. Again, that wasnt my intention.

Hey everyone. It’s great to see that you’re all so interested in Player Reps! As a Player Support Specialist, I wanted to give my thoughts. I wanted to point out that, as a primarily free site, we don’t have a huge team of staff members here at Replay Poker. On most days, I’m the only person answering incoming support emails. Just like any other job, I’m allowed to go sleep (sometimes) and I get (a few) days off, as do the rest of our staff members. :sweat_smile:

Adding Player Reps has really helped with incoming support emails, as they are able to answer many questions that come in from new players live at the tables. I really appreciate it! Player Reps aren’t moderators, and they aren’t there to mute or ban you. They aren’t in any way the site police, patrolling and looking to get anyone in trouble. They’re around to help with simple issues, and to pass along tech support questions and more in-depth problems to staff members. They’re there to be friendly and to help out. They also have a stronger connection with staff here, and can make good suggestions that they hear from players directly to us. Their status is displayed at the tables to let other players know that they can and are willing to help.

We love all of our awesome volunteers and the work that they do to make the site better. :heart: