What is a player rep?


Please review, in the RP Volunteer Roles section under the Player Rep Description it specifically says: “Reports disruptive players”.


Hi Scratch. :slightly_smiling_face: I meant that they aren’t going to tables specifically looking to report people. If they happen to see abusive or vile chat, just like any other player on the site, they are able to use the Report function.

Isn’t that what the report player button on each player is used for ? A player can report a player if he felt he was being abused , why should a Rep report a player if the player who was so called being abused isn’t reporting it ? Not everyone on here feels like being called a donk when they are being one , is abuse , some are mature enough to laugh it off , it is getting crazy , maybe just give us pre scripted chat…

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NotTheOne, if I misinterpreted your tone then I apologize. You say you wanted honest answers and I did my best to give them to you. I even volunteered what we’re given (again, I’ve been given nothing) and you’ve twisted that to mean 100 buy in, million chip prize tourneys. If that is true then that is news to me.

Really, I just want people to have fun. I certainly do when I play here. I hope you find, or have found, what you’re looking for.

Be well,

I also am sorry that you felt you had to leave because of some idiots comment . Why didn’t you just report him ? Welcome back to the site. Personally though I have had similar comments made to me , but just laughed at them , I asked them how they planned to do this internet murder.

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All everyone wants is to have fun and like I said before nothing said was against the Reps or the site , was just odd to see so many Reps pop up so suddenly and was wondering why . Hope to see you on the tables Matt … I will be on my best behavior… maybe :grinning:

Scratch , maybe because I really only play Sit n Go’s and look for friends to play with I really haven’t see that many players who are abusive to warrant a need for spy’s ( which is what they would be if they were undercover ).

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It’s been a while since we played; I need to jump back into some SnG games…

As for your behavior - that’s a battle I’m not even going to pretend to fight in hahaha :wink:

Thanks for your post Sharon. I did not report the player because I did not know how to do so. I was new, and everyone else I had played with had been welcoming. Afterwards I felt so cross with myself for not understanding the mechanics of the site. I want to be there for other new players who find themselves in a similar position. xx Kate

there ya go, Ive twisted nothing

Sharon, This instant there are over 1200 seated and assuming there are 7.5 people per table, it means that there are 159 active tables and the table you are on, making 160 active tables. As such I know we need volunteers that within their scope of work is to report the insults so that they stop.

Regarding the term “spy” that is your term. If there had been a so-called spy at Grapevine’s table, then what she described could have and would have been interrupted by somebody undercover and likely the offender would have been tossed from Replay Poker.


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Or maybe if there was a decent player on the table to defend her , they could have reported it. I agree he should have been tossed from the site , maybe Replay can post reminders of how to report a player the same way as they have a pop up reminding us of the Bust the Staff tournament this would help players when they are at a table with no Players Rep .

Anyway like I said I am not arguing the point that Reps are a good thing , of course they are. All I wanted was a reason why , which I now have . I have given my opinion and have nothing more to say because as you know if I say too much all my posts will be removed and I will be banned from commenting on what is supposed to be an open forum… I could care less if they hire everyone but me to police the site

Probably bit by bit :slight_smile:

This thread has gotten intense. Like everything else, there are pros and cons to this system it would seem. I just hope it doesn’t become the speech police. I’ve made myself perfectly clear in the past that I’m against any sort of censorship or punishment for things that aren’t specifically racist, threatening, sexually explicit or related to illegal activities. I get that kids use the site and so the speech has to be a bit cleaner than in a poker room but I hope muting and banning are used only in the most extreme cases. No one has the right not to be offended, IMO. If you cant handle being called a donk or dufus, you have bigger issues than a moderator can address.

While on the subject of volunteers though, how about getting them in on something functionally useful, like acting as prop players to start and fill games? If the site has people willing to volunteer for chips, let them be paid in rake-back and provide a really useful function. Quite a number of people have commented on the lack of games at certain times or in certain buy-ins - use the volunteer base to address that need. Possible?


Odd language from someone trying to help.

What happened to “the customer is always right?” No offense intended Fry, but wow.

Smart companies value the opinions of their customers, even if those opinions are sometimes hard to hear. Defensive, argumentative, abusive tones and phrases accomplish nothing positive.

It’s 2017, customers expect a certain amount of transparency. If someone asks what benefits a “player rep” gets, they should either be told the benefits or told that information isn’t shared with the public. Instead of lies (they get no benefits) and obtuse dodging (we reward our reps in many ways) answer the question or say you won’t answer it.

I think player reps should advocate FOR the players. They should be willing to fight for the changes the customers want, not fight the customers on behalf of the site.



LMAO… best answer on this whole thread :rofl:


Hi Sun - my words have been taken out of context in your post. I never said Reps received nothing, actually explained in detail everything that I know including monthly gifts, and truthfully said I was not aware of the specifics of the tourney. Everything you quoted outside of the piece you included in your response was not said by me.

Nor did I say or imply it was all said by you.

While NotTheOne’s “tone” was not what some have thought it was, neither was it innocent. Replay’s initial comeback was just as wishy-washy… while we now know more information, and really who the flip cares if they have a weekly MTT for a few duckets, … It can be said “player rep” is not really the correct term for what they are/do.

Both SPG, I, and others see value in, and duties of a “player rep” to mainly bring concerns of players to staff… in a case such as this, I could see teams of reps devoted to different parts of the site… like maybe SnG-H Rep, Ring-L Rep, or MTT-M Rep … where each rep would concentrate on a specific group, and bring thier concerns to say a weekly meeting…

On the other hand, sure… Replay needs more mods, and they need to be “callable”. Thats why Replay needs more of them around the clock… like 10 @ any given time 20 during peak times. Now while Mods could be playing thier own games, if the system alerts all mods that a problem exsists, then 1 of them thats not busy prolly will be the 1st to react, and go to the desired table, in realtime, and moderate the problem. YES, REALTIME… as more problems rise up, sure a mod might need to “sit out” and go mediate a problem and come back, but that means there’s a hell of a lot of problems on tables… I seriously don’t think its that bad.
To this end, along with a “report a player” button, how about a “call a mod” button…

All NotTheOne was saying was… why are there so many player reps, what actually is thier function, and do they get reimbersed… I found no malice in his questions, nor do I see explicit malice on Replay’s part, altho they were obtuse in part of thier answer…

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Who me? :smiling_imp: I seriously doubt anyone, including myself, has ever or will ever say that I am innocent.

It’s not just a matter of being obtuse.

Like it or not, player reps DO represent Replay. Give someone an official title and when they post on a public forum, they are the face of the company… period. It doesn’t matter what their role is.

How does it look to have a question asked and get 6 different, conflicting answers? Did anyone get a warm fuzzy feeling that they were dealing with a reputable site? Does it project the image that any company in their right mind would want to project?

Does anyone contact customer service and tolerate being argued with? I mean, really?

Replay, get your people on the same page and take my comments for what they are… constructive criticism. Present a unified, professional image and it will only help you in the long run. Remember, those who take their time to contribute to the forum are helping you build a community that will help you meet your goals, and remember they are your customers, not your opponents.

Double egad.


This issue was brought up months ago.
Questions were asked and the responses were mostly secretive, defensive and a little hostile.
My suggestion that PlayerReps may be biased in the fairness debates because they were receiving compensation from Replay was dismissed as tin foil hat thinking.
Not exactly what you’d expect from a Player Rep Initiative to answer player’s questions.

Now, because of the persistence of NotTheOne, information is leaking out that is, shall we say, uncomfortable.
It appears that Reps receive, at a minimum:
— A Title
— 50,000 chips per month
— Cheap entry into limited tourneys paying 4 million chips per month
There may be more. We will probably never know for sure.

As always, individual players can make their own judgments and draw their own conclusions.
Here are mine…
It didn’t have to be this way.
You could have trusted the players. You could have made the details and perks of the PlayerReps public. You could have admitted from the get-go that PlayReps are selected by Replay, compensated by Replay and represent Replay…not the players.
On the positive side, I think the Title “PlayerRep” was an honest mistake. I think the intention was to indicate that the individual was both a player and a Replay Rep…in the same sense that basketball used to have Player/Coaches.
Also I think the majority of PlayerReps were excellent choices. A couple have chips on their shoulders and a couple just want chips in their pocket, but for the most part they are very good.
But they have now been put in a difficult position.
After asserting that they became Reps just to help out, now everyone now knows that there are substantial free chips involved and that fact was conveniently omitted from earlier discussions.
It might be a bit uncomfortable at the tables now that people know the PlayerReps are being rewarded to police the chat and report people.
The nicest paid snitch in the world is still a paid snitch.
Its a Public Relations debacle and PlayerRep setback.
A double P.R. fail.

It didn’t have to be this way.