Site freezing regularly

Me neither. I’m a Windows And Edge guy and Apple and Safari. I use Amazon Cloud Services for my businesses.

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If you don’t believe me I copied down the hand where it started again tonight. Painfully slow to watch but here you go #899585138…enjoy

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just coming in to report this issue again. +1 for experiencing the entire table slow down for multiple hands in a row. each player taking will over several minutes check/fold/raise. freezing between each new round as well.

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Yesterday it didn’t freeze once. It was great. But today, it’s back to normal.

well no it is not better at all - 1.5 hours in an MTT and freeze - thanks replay for what ??? Its their job its their business

and has nothing to do with faith and patience !!!

Have fun, enjoy the games & fellowship - please can you tell all the people who are having issues - how we are going to have fun and enjoy ???


Frozen again. 10 minutes slowplay


Ouch Tigs, that’s like watching most of a good movie and not being able to watch the ending.


haha if me and you was in the movie it would have been fun :slight_smile: I am going for the record of games frozen when played for more than more than an hour… we should have that on the achievement badges


Frozen again


love this one bet got raised had the flush and got sat out


The leauge game worked good yesterday but the mtts was much lagging!


Had a winning hand three times and lost around 3 thousand chips by folding me out.

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ive seen “lag” for less then 10min’s at 8:20 and even less at 10:15 (GMT+2)

ive noticed that during these episodes using check boxes do not seem to lag

I might have your record Tiggs. Two Fridays ago I started in an Mtt game in the Royal Bust thing. When I took out player #3, the site froze. We waited forever it seemed. I decided to leave the computer on. About 6am I heard this strange noise, and it turned out to be cards shuffling and dealt. I jumped up and finished the game from the night before. I guess a win is a win even if it takes 10 hours. :slight_smile:


The World is up tight right now ! Lagging & Frozen Tables are a pain, but Replay will fix them,I,m sure. Lets just take a deep breath and play poker & Have Fun !


been playing all day, all is fine, seen no further lag

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45mins ago for about 5mins and as i type its freezing again


I played 3 different tables last couple hours ( 28/8/22 @ 7 to 8 pm) all had problems multiple times. Last ring game unplayable for me with rounds taking about 5 mins to complete

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The problems are now much worse. As well as the lagging and freezing issues, bets are not being accepted and checks => straight to fold and sit out. Also can’t get back in when sat out by the system. This adds to the frustration and annoyance. The wait times have increased. The freezing seems to happen about half way through a game and then when back up the slows continue. Is there a worthwhile alternative???

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18 mins sitting with the winning hand only to get booted at last second. complete joke of a site. free or not. Hand #899811293 · Replay Poker

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