Poker Disclosure

That’s fine, I think we’ll leave MWF alone and and have T and TH start at 4pm ET.
The people that were saying MWF is too late are people from Europe so we’re talkin 2am for them.
The upcoming Tues and Thurs at 4pm ET will be 9pm for them and a good time for retirees like myself.

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Very tight and aggressive play last night, I love it!


Hola yall,
I sent out the PM reminders for tonight’s tourney.
There are a few of you that have not accepted my friend request so I’m not able to send you one.
It’s kind of a pain to try and then get the error, and then have to sift thru to find out which player it is I cannot send a PM to so I’ll be removing your names for now (I won’t post your names cuz you know who u r :smile:).
Should you want to receive the PM reminders plz accept my friend request and shoot me a PM letting me know you accepted.
Thanks all and hope to see you tonight!

Great game last night folks…hope I see you tomorrow.
Here’s the hand I screwed myself on and North cleverly played…I shoulda never let the hand get past the flop!

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Seriously Randy I would have played your hand exactly the way you played it. You had to play that hand for value at that point of the tournament. A good tournament for both of us.
My schedule has me tied up for a bit so I will see you all next Wednesday.
Take care and good luck to all.

Well, you have to agree that from the turn on, you played it brilliantly (as I was trying to squeeze every chip out of you I could :smile:)…cya Wednesday.
BTW yall, I just added the Tues and Thurs at 4pm ET games.
4 new members from Europe are very happy about the earlier time.

I gave up on tonight’s game after losing about half my stack. We had 4 at the table, one was a no-show, one was a late-comer. Playing heads-up, I couldn’t figure out how to win a hand. I was behind the no-show in short order, since they were only losing the blinds when they came around.

Since it was basically heads-up, I felt like I had to try to play hands more than I normally would have liked to, and no matter what, I couldn’t hit a flop. I’d get near-broadway hands that failed to fill, and lose to a river pair. Again and again, like it was groundhog day. I had enough and shoved 23. Well, you can’t shove in PLHE, so I pot-sized raised until I was all in, and dumped my chips. I think GrandyB ended up with like a full house that hand, but I don’t think he folded to me but two or three times the entire game.

So, like, how do you play PL?

It seems I was indeed getting good cards for quite a run there at first and then FatnSassy came along and they slowed down.
That said, I will usually pay to see the flop unless it’s too expensive (especially in heads up).
In heads up if I’m SB and facing 20 chips to call I usually call regardless of my cards.
Maybe dumb but there have been too many times I have folded like a 72 crap hand only to hit the nuts on the flop.
With a full size ring tho I would definitely fold.
I thought I was well on my way to take out FatnSassy and win 1st but all that changed on a dime after this hand.
I sure hope we can fill a table (or few) someday.
Some of my European friends convinced me to start the 4pm ET games on Tues and Thurs so hopefully you folks can join us.

I kept getting 4-card draw flops against you, where I guess you mostly had flopped high pair. It was making my eyes roll out of my head not to hit at least once. Of course, as soon as I bailed on our game, I went and won another Astral Ursa Major 9-seater, which helped take the sting away.

Maybe I’ll have better luck next time, but it’d be nice to have a table of 6+ players.

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I’m glad you found some normalcy after leaving…and I too hope we can fill the table(s) soon.
It’s not a lot of fun playing with only 2 or 3 players.

My apologies league mates for not making Wednesday’s or Friday’s tourneys. I have had several issues between health, work, and internet service that have had to take priority over tournament time. I am hoping that these have all been straightened out to the point that I can make it regularly at least twice a week. GL at the tables. Hope to see everyone Monday!!

No apologies needed my friend and I’m sure everyone here realizes that life happens…we’ll cya when we cya…and thanks for taking the time to let us know! :wink:

I’ll be sending out PMs to bug you every weekday now that the Tues/Thur games are starting up.
If they really do bug you though or you don’t need them plz don’t hesitate to let me know.

Dang, these new folks is good yall!
I just happened to get very lucky after the break…Kittie and I were just passing the stack back and forth and I finally got a little luckier in the end.
To give you an idea of how lucky I was I was all-in well more than 10 times!
If you start with this hand and scroll thru the hands you’ll see what I mean.

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Closest we’ve been to filling a table…actually had 3 payouts this time :grin:

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Dangit, I forgot to set a reminder for this one!
I hope it was fun :grin:

Another butt-whoopin for me but still fun :grin:

I had a good time in this one, somehow winning after ChaseDRiver had been running the table for most of the time. I got the hot cards at the right time.

It’s a real pleasure to play against such good players even if I don’t win.

Finally got the right cards at the right time. It was fun.