Nordic Warriors League

Warriors Game tonight
Nordic Warrior League Members!
Tonight’s No Limit Hold’em game is called “Valhalla’s Chosen”
Friday Night 20k entry! at 9pm EST.
Here is a link to tonight’s game!

American Airlines decided I would not be playing tonight. Good Luck all have fun.


Warriors!! what a game, I was on a mission, from last to…well you know.
MrZ was playing excellent again as usual and took 2nd, Bob was solid all night! and finished 3rd, Joe was in great form and made a nice finish in 4th, this game was business as usual for an incredible cast of players, thank you all for being here in this great league!
Here is the final 10

Rank Player Points Chips
1 Rain 27,545 224,775
2 @mrzick 19,478 124,875
3 @harleyrg07 15,904 87,412
4 @Excaliburns 13,773 62,437
5 @abahog 12,319
6 @Bradspam 11,246
7 @hohkay23 10,412
8 @jdawg09 9,739
9 @_snowman 9,182
10 @RavenL 8,711
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Congrats Mike (_Rain) I didn’t mean for you win. Great game and be prepared to lose in HiLo. LOL

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Hi Lo, is that the one where you play 3 out of your hand and 2 off the board? I get confused, I am sort of a rooky at that game.
I am trying to pay off the dealer again, so I can win two in a row, Brad has a connection, but I heard the dealer was drunk last night and made promises, I am not sure she will keep. It was a Coyote morning for me after that drunk dealer practically handed me the win, I was obligated to …well you know. I had to chew off my arm so as not to wake her in the morning. but I am okay now.

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Michael thank u 4 the kinds words bro!

Bro…Jump on flight 25 they boarding now!!!

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Nordic Warrior League Members!
Tonight’s game is called Thor’s Hammer
Saturday 20k NL Omaha Hi/Lo
Game Tonight at 6:30pm EST.
Here is a link to tonight’s first game!

Saturday night is alright for fighting, 24 warriors hopped in the ring for a battle royale and it was insane. Uppercuts and body blows and players floating like butterflies and stinging like bees. In the end @_snowman found all the right moves outlasting former champion @Sue13 , throwing a Full boat at toplist yearly leader @Younguru and ripping quads on League leader @southwestmba . Not sure if he eliminated the entire final table but it felt like it. Great game and almost time for round two.


Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q2


That was fun with friends. I just couldn’t melt that snowman. Congrats Norris on a great game!! See you all soon for round 2. Let’s have fun. Nice report Andy…


Our second Saturday game tonight is called
“Odin’s Army” 20k entry!
No Limit Holdem at 9pm EST.
Here is a shortcut link to tonight’s game.


33 New Record in the Spring 2024

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Round 2. 33 Warriors set a new league record as this evening as the league and the quality of play just continues to grow and grow. @Nemesis67 (aka Uwe) played a brilliant game to take the win tonight outdueling @mrzick who scored his second consecutive NW hold 'em runner up finish this weekend, a great feat. @DonkeyHaute was far greater than his literary namesake taking third with a flair, and @Weedwoman420 (aka Whit) was blazing all night long. And @jryoungman played a great game to also finish in the chips. It was a long night for some and great poker from all.

Nordic Warriors LB 2024 Q2

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With one week to go we have two Omaha HiLo and two Hold’em games left. We are in for a great battle for the podium spots with 2-4 separated by a meager 1,256 points after 44 games.


This league is so fun and so tough! GG all! Congrats @Sue13 and @_snowman, really well played.


BTW, if you missed it, at the start of the game, Uwe announced to the table he was “totally drunk”.

If it was true or not, still a brilliant strategy!

Instead of thinking about cards, I was imagining all the empty beer bottles that were

continuing to grow and grow.

When the announcement, “20 minutes until the bar is closing” rang out, Uwe’s knockout rate increased x2.

Congratulations Nemesis!

All in good fun!

Just what we need around here, another player on a mission.

In that spirit…


You also have a great writing style.


The connect the dots writing style…

…always looking to the sky for inspiration.


Start at 2:00 Minute Mark


Let’s be clear about this Gopher situation