Lets Grow our own Watermelons/Cantalopes

I didn’t know that, I am type 1 and last time I had blood work done they doubled my diabetic pills. So it’s good to know raspberries help control it… My neighbour gave me some and they are really coming along… fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Love raspberry’s, blue & black berry’s. All fruits are very beneficial to us all in so many ways.

I wanted to get the message out to start our melons, cantaloupe’s because we are running out of time. However I think we need a thread also on produce/veggie, farming/gardening. I was considering to do so, as some crops are being harvested now daily, there is still time to start planting.

Would anyone like to start the Topic? If so, I would love to be of help getting it started. We need to plant our fruits and veggie’s year round, not just for us but those in need.

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Yes, my endocrinologist told me and I incorporated into my diet. A1c is perfect
Feel good and stay healthy


This is actually the first time I did some gardening, I planted raspberries, radishes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Spanish onion, green onion, Brussel sprouts ,carrots and tomatoes and also did some rosemary in the house, I may as well did it with my eyes closed because I have no idea what I am doing, I peek at them once in awhile to see how they are doing and they are growing but I have absolutely no idea when they are ready to be picked or anything, IF by chance they turn out ok I will definitely grow more next year :slight_smile:

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I would love to grow some watermelon Greg, its one of my favorite.

You need a lot of space for watermelon :watermelon:. We have cooperatives here where you can rent land to grow or share your harvest instead.

Great idea renting a track of land to garden :+1:t2: The profits at the farmers market far exceed what the cost is.

Farm to table.

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@doll46 , Fantastic, that’s how we started, growing and learning and sharing ideas with neighbors etc. I think you will be very proud and please with some results and search to find answers for any plants that failed. I believe we have a lot of very good and experienced farmers/gardeners right here at Replay, that will help resolving any growing problems others may encounter. I plan on starting a vegetable farming/gardening topic soon to open discussion. Hope you have a bumper crop my friend!!

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I hope this topic stay’s alive all year, as we probably have members worldwide growing melons at different months of the year. Also we can get an earlier start for next year’s planting in the states.

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Thanks for the tips, I think If I decide to try watermelons I will just do them for fun in my own yard for me and family and friends… Is it to late to start to grow them now?


I agree, I would love to hear from other players and this is a great topic Greg, well done :slight_smile:


Not too late if in the south, my friend if you can find very mature potted plants at local nursery, but everyday not in the ground, is reducing the probability for success.

You’re welcome. The seeds should be planted anytime in the spring after the last frost. Fun to grow :+1:t2:

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Absolutely fun & easy to grow. This morning, we found one of our watermelon plants today 20 yards into an adjacent cotton field and thriving, lol.

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Along the lines of being diabetic, I have a daily smoothie of a 3 blend of frozen berries, raspberries, blackberries and blue berries, along with a mix of a product called “power greens” which is baby chard, spinach and kale. Both these "packages can be purchased at your local Costco. Nothing else added other then 1 ice cube and good tap water.


@Great_Dane71 , I wish you could send me one, sounds great and we could grow almost all of the ingredients.

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Hi my friend @doll46 , been a few weeks since planting? have they popped their little heads out and how’s the progress going?

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wow I am going to try that, my sugars are now running very high. I looked up ways to lower my suger without taking insulin and it did mention berries and no starchy vegetables, thanks for the info :slight_smile:


well i actually decided against it after giving it some thought… might give it a try next year tho


Don’t think my garden is going to produce much this year. On Monday we had a bad hailstorm, golf ball sized. Decided to grow green chiles this year. Everything got beat up pretty bad, still cleaning up from the carnage. Every time I walk around the ranch I find something else smashed. At least I have a roof over my head…just a little leaky.