Quick: Name Your Favorite Fruit!

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer has vanished, fall is upon us. Fresh spring and summer fruits are by now a sweet memory.

What’s your favorite fruit? And where/when can we find one?

(Mine favorite is the Comice pear, easily found in Southern Oregon and actually ripe, sweet, and juicy in the fall, so I’m in luck.)


BaNAna, baNAna, banana is good enough for me!

Mangoes are nice, and on the rare occasions I can find them fresh, Lychees (spelled wrong, no doubt) are great.


I am with Alan on this! My favourite is mango and banana smoothie!


Chilled with a shot of vodka is best, grape. Good one.


Golden delicious apples. You have to have them shipped to you if you live in New England. The season is over…

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My favorite fruit is the tomato.


I’ll be right over!

That comes in second for me, but a very close second! Straight from the vine is best, or juiced and mixed (a la Alan) with a shot of vodka. :slight_smile:


Raspberries would be my favorite. I originally planted 150 plants, since the growing season might only be 5 months. Plus, you always have to plant enough to share with the animals. Birds, raccoons, deer, possum’s turkeys, all visit my garden daily. My biggest pick in one day was 2500. I freeze a lot of them to use year round. I also have thousands of wild raspberry bushes. I do love all fruit though, can’t think of one I wouldn’t eat.


Oooh–what could be better than raspberries with everything?!

Pomegranates and bing cherries are my favorite sweet fruits, but I eat more savory fruits than anything (avocados, tomatoes, coconut).


All on my favorites list! :slight_smile:

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Life wont be worth anything without tomatoes ! :yum:



I also love eggplant. Some people really don’t bother with them. Delicious :yum:

Eggplant . Not only are eggplants fruits , they’re technically classified as a berry.


I am interested in eggplants. Had no idea they were classified as a berry, and also had no idea they are fruits! I have no idea, furthermore, what to do with one. Suggestions/recipes welcome.

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Hi Jan. I knew you would be interested in that post lol :joy: the Amazing Eggplant :eggplant: * my new way of eating it * peel completely, slice in circles, dip in an egg batter, dip in bread crumbs and instead of frying it in oil ( eggplant tends to soak up a lot of oil ) put them in an air fryer until golden brown. Delicious :+1:t2: Not bad for a single Marine eh ? Your husband will love it. So healthy!

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I have made this traditional Greek Moussaka recipe for years - it takes a while to prepare but the result is worth it! When cooked you can cut it into portions and it freezes really well!


Super! On the menu for this weekend. :slight_smile: Thanks Grape!

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Absolutely not bad at all! You never fail to amaze, Craig. Yes, I think my husband will love it. I don’t have an air fryer but probably need one. :slight_smile: See what you did there? Enhanced the U.S. economy with your post. lol

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