If you can't say something nice about someone, try saying nothing at all

Just an idea.

Please don’t criticize other players poker play. It’s ok to believe you are a better player than someone else. But you don’t have to keep telling someone else what you believe they are doing wrong. In the end a saying every child hears from their parents might come into play.

If you can’t say something nice about someone, try saying nothing at all.

Human nature is based on learning from our mistakes. A child is told not to touch an electric burner that is red or turned on. What’s the first thing they want to do? Touch it. A child touches that burner and they won’t do it again.

Bottom line. Allow others to make mistakes and praise the good things they do. This way they might be able to make a better decision when bad situations arise.

p.s.- Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Stay healthy and safe in all that you do. I prefer friends to enemies. They’re just more fun!!


Hear Hear


If anyone finds a player disrupting a table harassing or taunting a player come find a Moderator that is what we are around for. Everyone deserves a pleasant time at the tables.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Being polite at tables

A post was merged into an existing topic: Being polite at tables