Early Stage Tournament - Preflop Spot

The Hand

A couple months ago I asked @lihiue about a hand I wasn’t sure I had played right. I went all-in on the third hand of an MTT with a nut flush/combo draw, bricked out, and busted.

He basically said it was a good play, and part of having an edge means being willing to take profitable risks to build a stack. That really stuck with me, and sometimes I still overdo it—but I think I played this particular hand OK by applying that principle.

We can just fold KQo sometimes from relatively early position, but if we’re going to play it we should probably mostly 3bet. Our hand will play a lot better against 1 or 2 opponents than 4 or 5, and we give ourselves more ways to win the pot if everyone just folds.

Once TrueLuck comes back over the top, I think it’s a pretty mandatory call. We are only 50bb effective and will be flipping a LOT of the time. If we’re ever ahead of Kx/Qx, we definitely can’t fold.

It sucks to bust early, or lose half our stack on the (whatever) hand of the tournament. But if we want to WIN the tournament (which should always be the goal), we can’t duck too many spots like this one, where there’s good money already in the middle and it’s unlikely we will be far behind too often.

EDIT: 10 minutes later and I am chipleading the tournament, sitting on 10k with average stack for the field at 4k. I don’t know if I’ll even make the money, but it’s a good start. Take (good) risks! :smiley:

You played it correctly. You had top pair and an over card on a rainbow board. The player with a pair of fives should have folded before the river, when he didn’t improve by the turn. The other player in the shootout only had pocket 4s and I would have folded that hand by the turn. …

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@crootnik money went in preflop :slight_smile: