Can't register for any tournament

The note in the corner of Replay support page says open Monday-Friday

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yes I get you re trying - but is Replay trying … I am not going to go into it here but paddle not disabled during an outage ???

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My suggestion was for a different tournament sign in problem. Lol!!

Your problem just happened for me on a Freeroll.

Appears it’s a widespread Glitch. All of these consecutive tournies are being canceled.

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It is not suport that is needed, I feel for them as they will be getting smashed with contacts - its the Operations team who when the xxxx hits the fan should be around they even gave us this promise a while back , that they have now alerts in place and will be active at times like this


MTT’s down, Missions Down, Hands Played Down, just about everything is kaput !


This kinda stinks. Private leagues not working either. Not sure why they are running MTTs with 2 or 3 people (who signed up very early apparently. )


Someone contact a mod please

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Did anyone else notice that when you try to register for a tourney that it takes your chips… and if you try to unregister, you can’t because it doesn’t show you have registered. I didn’t notice this at first…not even sure where my chips were before I tried registering for multi tournaments. Sigh…

It deducts them but it you go to transactions or refresh they never get processed and are back.

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The mods are aware, they can not fix this and not on them, they will have raised so its on Replay

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the site crashes but I guess Mr Replay not bothered at the weekend.

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this will get moved to what are you listening to now thread.


Folks we are trying to find someone in support but the weekend makes it difficult.


@lildevil109 thank you for trying and get this is not on you


Thank you Tiggy but we are the only one’s players can find so we catch it.


The issues started a few days ago and was raised. to replay Good that you are here and as always are kind - but you can not give us players any updates… I think if the paddle went down at the weekend Replay would not wait.

Thanks for the info our league game only allowed three players in then shut everyone else out.

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Looks like it is mainly the mtts that are affected. It seems that if a player signed in before the issue began, a couple of hours ago, the game is running for whatever number was signed in, but will not allow any additional registrations. We have messaged everyone that we can think of. Hopefully something will be done soon. Thank you all for your patience, and sorry for the issues.

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Always look on the brightside of life

I could keep 2nd spot … Had no chips to defend 2nd fingers crossed


I just tried a sit and go same issue

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