Calling a Raise on the River

Hello poker addicts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:,
It took me a long time and a lot of money to finally learn not to do this:

You got dealt Aces or Kings and raise of course. A passive, on the Nit side player called you.
You made a half pot size C-bet on a dry, rainbow flop and he called.
You bet half the pot again on a turn that brought both a flush and a straight draws, he took a little time and called again.
Nothing got completed on the river, so you made a nice value bet only to get surprised by a raise 3 times your bet!
What to do?

When I was a newbie, always excited by holding a ā€œmonsterā€, I just pushed the rest of my stack in the middle and get the bad news 99% of the time. My opponent had flopped a set of course.

Always pay attention to what kind of player youā€™re up against. An aggressive player might pay you on the river if he has anything, but if you get raised by a NIT, on the river no less, just throw your monster in the muckā€¦

well, in some cases it can be a bluff, Iā€™m sure you know it perfectly well

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I would consider that a semi-bluff, good decision if it paid off well !!

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Hey bud. Go with your gut.

You could always just call rather than slamming all your chips in.

Opponent may have picked up 2 pr too.


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I agree itā€™s fine to overfold these spots unless you have specific player notes. Youā€™re not getting great odds to call, so you can profitably fold a lot of your range. Add to this the fact that this is generally an underbluffed spot, and I wouldnā€™t lose too much sleep over the times you get bluffed.


Solid advice. When a tight player raises big on the river, itā€™s usually a strong hand. Iā€™ve learned to let go of my ā€œmonstersā€ in those spots to avoid costly mistakes. Better to be cautious than sorryā€¦

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Yes, Nits are underbluffing the turn and river in general - not to speak about raising as a bluff.

Itā€™s probably true for most players at lower stakes unless they are maniacs or very aggressive.

Here is a video with details on how to play against nits:

And here is the short easy version in just one pic:


Keeping eyes open during a game is as valuable skill as any other, or should I say even more valuable.
It always pays back to throw a bone to a NIT. Then you can exploit him in all the other hands.


in every case you need to be carefull . almost every hand , when we are talking about online poker . not only against a nit or tight player . all these action cards and crazy rivers and fake crazy atc shoves and flips . make the game very hard or impossible to win . but ofcourse in a a situation as the one you describe , yeah you need to be more cautious and ready to fold

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I agree that if a nit raises you on the river (or shows any other aggressive action), you need to be careful. Observing and understanding your opponents is a crucial part of the game. Some players will bluff on the river when their draws donā€™t come in so knowing the playerā€™s tendencies and capabilities will help you make your decision. I agree with another poster than just calling rather than reraising is probably the safer option, but it is also fine to fold in this spot when you classify the opponent as a nit (overly tight and passive).

Well if your opponent suddenly raises there on the river Iā€™m certainly not reraising with only one pair. Players on low/micro Limits do not to raise Rivers lightly and our hand has become basically a bluff catcher. If really all draws missed I sometimes call but it really depends the size of the raise.

Never, i repeat never is this a reraise with only an overpair.

If a pair of aces or a pair of kings comes, you need to be very carefulā€¦How For me this is the most unpleasant hands . Approximately 90% is Trap .
Iā€™m saying this from my own experience as it happens to me. .If your opponent has a big stack, there is a high probability that your hand will loseā€¦ By the way, I had the same situation today, but unfortunately I didnā€™t have time to take a screenshot . Of course, there are many factors, but you need to look at the table to see which players are passive or active .
And after losing a good hand, I generally want to quit online poker and not play anymore . And then I reassure myself itā€™s a random number generator ha ha ha