Authority in Question - Replaypoker or Moderator?

I would appreciate very much if you can enlighten me as to the duties and responsibilities of a moderator on this site.

Under the terms and conditions of Replaypoker there is one provision there that states:

You agree to never transmit data, conversation, or any other information that may be (i) be defamatory or offensive, (ii) slanderous, (iii) rude, (iv) infringe the rights of any third party, (v) provide information regarding playing contests on the Site, or (vi) deemed generally unacceptable behavior in the sole discretion of

I am wondering as to who has the authority to mute temporarily or permanently any player on this site. Has this authority been given to the moderators and if so doesn’t this go against the terms and conditions set by (vi) deemed generally unacceptable behavior in the SOLE DISCRETION OF REPLAYPOKER.COM.

The level of the playing field should be equal. The moderators if they have this authority should be stripped of it under’s terms and conditions.

as moderators work for ReplayPoker , its a same thing.

So, the moderators actions belong to ReplayPoker.

We work by a guideline, set up by Paul ( owner ). All moderation noted on user account, these note-s go to internal admin, what checked by other moderators and Paul, and staff members regularly.

(was my idea )

So if ReplayPoker staff or moderators have problem with one moderation, they able to discuss among each other. And they do actually. This conversation open to all stuff and mod, they can read the whole lot, answer, ask questions . When something go really wrong with the user, we all can comment and vote in the end. This may take 2-3 weeks . Plenty of time for Paul to interfere if need to. If vote-s say 10-2 to mute forever the user by mods, Paul can override it without he need to explain the reason. He do interfere sometime, but never see him override the mods.

Duties of the mods Keepers of the peace/rules of RP. Some got extra work, scheduling tours, chips, security, communication with users , and more.

responsibilities I think I wont brake a rule if I post it here, its common sense anyway. "Next up are a set of guidelines for what we expect from our moderation team. It’s mostly common sense stuff, but it’s worth writing down, just to make sure everyone’s on the same page =)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- The 7 Golden Rules of Being a Moderator ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your conduct on the site and in the chat must always be courteous and super friendly. Since you are representing ReplayPoker you should always set an example to the rest of the players. 2. Never mute/ban a player for personal reasons. 3. Never reverse another mod’s action (ie unmute a muted player, unless you check with Them first or there’s a good reason, eg. mod has forgotten to unmute, or not active on the site). 3. Always send a message to the user explaining why you kicked/muted them 4. All discussions and privileged information (eg. ip addresses) must be keep private. 5. Always show unity as a team, never argue with another moderator in public. 6. If you ever have concerns that another moderator is not following any of these rules, you should send an email to explaining the issue. All emails will be dealt with in strict confidence.

It hasn’t happened yet, but any moderator found to break these rules, will be warned and may be removed from their position."

Thank you for your comment. Now I understand that Replaypoker has to revise the terms and conditions and include moderators as a representative/s of Replaypoker. It’s fair to say they are passing the buck …

So, it is also fair to say, that the playing field is not equal…

I gather that moderators are employees or not employees of Replaypoker?

I cant see why they have to revise. as I said, its a same thing. Moderators work for free , they signed up the same terns as you did. Look up

so representative is employee in a terms of RP employed the moderators, right?

So, when we represent RP this include other moderators, staff members and all users signed up on RP.

Sad to say this is not the same thing under the terms and conditions set forth by Replaypoker it states and I quote under Registration:

No Employees. No employee of or of any of its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, licensees, advertising, promotional or other agencies, software suppliers and/or developers is permitted to win any prizes on the Site. Any such person found to have violated this provision shall not be entitled to collect any winnings.

Since you stated that representative is employee in terms of RP employed moderators. You are not allowed any winnings on this site. So the playing field is not equal. Do you understand…

I think what you meant to say is you are not an employee of Replaypoker but just helping out Am I right?

“I think what you meant to say is you are not an employee of Replaypoker but just helping out Am I right?”

In sort , yes. You want to see something like thet in the terms: Modarators actions belong to RP, but they not employees of RP, regular users who contribute they time to this community and Rp. in a nutshell, they can play on the site. ?

That is correct.

I questioned the moderators authority, not too belittle the authority of moderators but to set the record straight since it only states that vi) deemed generally unacceptable behavior in the SOLE DISCRETION OF REPLAYPOKER.COM. To me, I understand that as only replaypoker can mute temporarily or permanently players or banish them from the site. etc.

Thank you for your comment and I thoroughly understand now.

Take care.

We see what Paul have to say, maybe a moderator section would be good on the terms. Im sure he check with the Legal Departments.

the mods arent collecting any winnings nobody is if it were real money then this could be an issue but since this is for fun and not real money if the mods are considered employees they could play like anyone else

What do you think your chips are. If you join tournament play there are 1st prize, 2nd prize and so forth. If the mods are considered employees they cannot play under the terms and conditions.

No Employees. No employee of or of any of its parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, licensees, advertising, promotional or other agencies, software suppliers and/or developers is permitted to win any prizes on the Site. Any such person found to have violated this provision shall not be entitled to collect any winnings.

my understanding is that moderators are also given at least 1 to 2 million chips a month and 2 million to start with. Fair???

hahaha not. I have not get a single chips in the past two year( ever actually)! RP dont give you a single chips TO START with as mod !

Happiness deduct from her own account more then 2 mill. Spgodog did buy chips before, just give support for the site, and he loaded thet time with chips.

Go troll somewhere else terrilynn. (Im courteous and super friendly with you now)

i Just became a mod and i have never even had 1 million in my bank , if that was so then i would have reached the high stakes and that i never have done, so someone told you a complete lie,

Sorry Marcipan/beautiful, it was just a comment someone had made to me. Wanted to know if it was true. Marcipan I always considered u a friend but you get pretty nasty with some of the people that ask quetions. Chill Marc, Life is to short. Enjoy life. Take care my friends, :slight_smile:

Moderators aren’t employees but volunteer members who help to make the site a fun and safe place to play poker. They have the ability to mute, ban and restrict access in order to fulfil this role. We have internal procedures to recruit and promote moderators and a lot of transparency so that actions of any one mod are never hidden from the others. This ensures everyone is held accountable and we can deliver on our promise of making this site an awesome place to play poker!

If you wanted to know something, ask nice. Your rage should be deleted in the first time, off topic anyway. Show me where I was “nasty” with anyone.

Internet troll - Wikipedia

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

Thet was You!

terrilynn I don’t know who told you mods get chips for helping on the site. But this is volunteer and no chips are given . I play the same as all the players. Win or lose it is on my own merit.

Okay, The war is on. How dare you say i was in a rage i was being very civil. Your comments marscipan are and have been very rude!!! Hey marscipan how about the way you are talking to ME!!! Its not jsut me there are several people who have had it with your attitude. How dare you address me or anyone else in that manner. You owe me an appology and just to refresh your memory you are the one that told me and others that u all got 2 mil. in chips just to be a moderator. A formal appology is due me! Dont ever talk to me like I am a lier or a child. Paul Will be hearing about this BEHAVIOR and if it isnt fixed myself and several others will be leaving this site for good.

OMG!! I cant believe you called Terrilynn a troll! A troll to me is a creature that has warts, and lives under a bridge! Not every one has the poker lingo dictionary. I think she was right on the topic, because they were discussing mods. No matter, She was not rude and in fact if you read and look she even apologized. Terri is a friend of mine and I, like others on here, do not expect to be treated in this manner. I wish I could recall the topic where you in peticular stated, Mods get 2 mill to become one.But i know it exists! Not that it’s important at this point of time. What is important is we all get along, and the moderators privledges are not abused. I also have witnessed many time over your nasty remarks. You dont think we read what’s being said?Thats what the forum is for. I feel bad for many people that try to speak their minds, and then to be slandered for it or the comments are deleted, Not right. I just want this matter to be resolved in a nice way. GOPO

Thank you Mr Gould. This topic should be closed.