100K CONTEST - The key to winning in poker is ____

as i moved through the lower ranks of replay, i got a feel for what alot of the good players mentioned in this contest. then i got below 3000 rank and was invited to the donks league, which to the detriment of my free built stack, was definately a learning experience! slumps happen, replay or not, and what ive learned is that if i dont love winning and losing, just the whole game of poker, im not winning. ive had great fun once in a while when i can feel that momentum is not on my side, to enjoy watching the whole game and somehow being ok when its not “my time”. Also, if i pay attention, there is always a chance (as in life)to lend a kind or encouraging word at a table, and ive been blessed to see alot of that from the players here. obviously, its easier said than done(many of you have probably seen me lose my cool)but id like to think im gettn better, and if i can remember its a game, and let the cards fall where they may…ive won already. thanks to every staff and volunteer here at replay for making this game go round, and all the players here as well. aloha nui loa


GUT feeling !!!


The key to winning in poker is the right precision. The right cards, at the right time, in the right position with the right stack depth and the right play decisions.

Patience is key, but observation and learning your opponents weaknesses are a close second. Also, be bold when the opportunity arises

the ability the ability to guess the card of the river :slight_smile:

because the card of the river make me lose always

key to a poker game should be treated or played like taking your girfriend out…knowing when to hold them or fold them.

If you are a REG,a winning student of the game then “more inquiry, less certainty” and pay attention to table flow. These two things will help you tune up your game. Oh, and study off the tables.

showing up with the better hand.


I have only been playing

  • for 12 months and have a long way to go to become a top player, but what I have learnt so far is that to win more than you lose -
    Patience (I rarely come out on top if I play tired and/or with an impatient frame of mind

Play at your Right Grade (I won a series of MTTs early and got way too ahead of myself playing in the multiple 1m stakes games and even entered the 5m Widow’s Bite - I quickly went broke lol).

But more important than all of that is manners. We all get an immediate adverse reaction when we are on the end of a bad beat such as a miracle gut shot straight that is delivered on the river, but it is not acceptable to be unkind or attempt to humiliate others, a simple ‘vnc lol’ says it all and show that you have taken it in your stride.b
See you on the tables!

The key to winning poker (at least in my opinion) is to have good fundamentals. With most if not all skills it is important to have a good foundation of knowledge on the subject you are dealing with, one cannot have strength in only one category. There may be certain traits that you are better at, understand more and can use as a base for your “play-style” but you must never neglect to also strengthen the other branches that make up the fundamentals of the subject (in this case poker).

Knowing the basics leads to not falling into traps and making rookie mistakes. Then further study on finer details provides support to the already sturdy base.

Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy (The Art of War by Sun Tzu)


Reading through the results has been eye-opening! While many of you feel that there’s no one real “key” to winning, there was one answer that came up over and over again …

Patience! :clock1:

Do you follow your own advice, or does your best judgment get clouded in the heat of the moment?

Using random.org, the following ten players were selected. Each of them now has 100,000 more chips in their banks! :money_mouth_face: Check out their answers –

@Skopeshopper - “position, position, position”

@Grandmapa - “Patience”

@Redcloud203 - “As others have said patience and clarity of mind. Would also add being a happy bear and never tilting when luck goes against you.”

@GeekForce - “patience and mathematics (i.e. probability theory). Still working on both though…”

@bige13 - “I know from experience what it takes… stay awake and quit nodding off!!

@SilentOutlaw - “Having an Ace up your sleeve and a gun under the table, pointed at the dealer.” :open_mouth:

@stupendous - “Good luck, nothing else matters if you get the best hand.”

@Formguide - "I have only been playing for 12 months and have a long way to go to become a top player, but what I have learnt so far is that to win more than you lose -
Patience (I rarely come out on top if I play tired and/or with an impatient frame of mind
Play at your Right Grade (I won a series of MTTs early and got way too ahead of myself playing in the multiple 1m stakes games and even entered the 5m Widow’s Bite - I quickly went broke lol).

But more important than all of that is manners. We all get an immediate adverse reaction when we are on the end of a bad beat such as a miracle gut shot straight that is delivered on the river, but it is not acceptable to be unkind or attempt to humiliate others, a simple ‘vnc lol’ says it all and show that you have taken it in your stride."

@Lifesong - “PATIENCE”

@Cabrone - “patience and waiting for the right opportunity”

Thanks for participating, and for your thoughtful answers! More ways to win are coming up soon. :money_with_wings:


Congrats to all the winners :+1:t2:

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ty the site and random.org - much appreciated

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10% Skill 90% Luck.

Never ever saw you lose your cool, chips maybe :wink: Always enjoy playing at your table.

Never say this only happens to me, or - my favourite - this site does it to ME.
We’ve won millions of hands, and when we see “his Cards”, we laugh; we won. Right?
Wrong ladies and gentlemen. Odds are people lose with AA in the hole! How much per cent?
against a full table, AA wins about 30% only.
Against a single opponent: 85%. What they won with is irrelevant.
We forget the millions of hands we won, but never seem to forget this “idiot”, who called with
4 -2, cos it’s diamond (NOT JUST SUITED, DIAMOND!), flopped a 4, and a 2 on the river.
And as adults, let’s really don’t let people say: it’s Replay, or it is rigged. The site is dealing
cards for funny money players. Shut up, unless you believe that they’re after YOu. lol

thanks vick…i also much enjoy any chance i get to play at a table with you! a very formidable opponent and a refreshing smile, enjoy my chips, may they propel you to gold donks! ))