100K CONTEST - New Year's Resolutions

Hola lok@s, buena suerte.
Hi lok @ s, good luck.

Win 100 k chips this year :wink:

I do not formally make New Year Resolutions. This year my goal is to reduce my sugar and calorie intake to control possible Type 2 diabetes and also to win Galaktic Storm as often as possible.

I just want to be able to play poker to forget about my cancer!

To drink more water and less tea !

With respect to poker…don’t play cr** hands but play my great hands harder.

A Dream written down with a Date becomes a Goal, A Goal broken down into steps becomes a Plan, A Plan backed by ACTION becomes REALITY. Good luck!

Avoid Morons and STAY ALIVE.

I have resolved to not make any more resolutions.

be better person. better sport at tables.

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Hope to be a more positive and confident person in my poker play! Happy 2022!

Definitely fold more, and try to stay within my chip limit when picking games, even if I’m on a hot streak.

To live live to the fullest and to win tourneys on replay poker!

I will teach all players German. Or at least the moderators.

I wish to have health, happiness and better luck in life :pray:, and get rid of this pandemic for whole world :pray:

I wish to become rich all I need

Sante sante santer santer…

To educate everyone on following the science in relation to Covid -19 and the variants!!!

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I will drink more beer when playing replay poker to make a more pleasant experience.

In league play, I will wholeheartedly embrace the prime directive, One shall not go all-in if a teammate has already done so ; except, of course, if one objects to that teammate’s wine preference.