Whats going on

what is going on i am sitting in oslo opera(2) and waiting on moungt pinatubo to start i press on tour info and it kicks me out the oslo room and table vanished and a the tour page took over the room i am puzzled over this

That’s odd. Can you try and get it to happen again. I tried opening a ring game table, then opening a tournament window, then pressed the tournament info button, but it refreshed correctly, and didn’t affect the ring game. If you can make it happen again, please explain what you did, and we’ll fix it.

what happened was i had oslo opera room open that i was playing in but had a tour opened mount pinatubo open i pressed on tour info and it closed oslo opera and came up over room as the tour page

I see what you mean. Can you try and make it happen again? I tried the same thing and it was fine. Please let us know.

I see what you mean. Can you try and make it happen again? I tried the same thing and it was fine. Please let us know.