What is the most powerful move in poker?

5% of bankroll doesn’t seem that conservative to me at all. That’s only 20 buy ins and seems like it should be at the lower end of standard. If he’s buying in for the max 200 bb’s at 2K/4K that’s 800K. That would be 5% from a 16M bank roll. Now, to step up 1 level would het him into the 5K/TK level where I think max buy in is 1.5M. That’s slightly less that 10% of bank roll and if you’re playing a good strategy it wouldn’t be crazy to lose half your bankroll in a matter of a few sessions. 5 buy in down swings are not uncommon, even in fields of very bad players where your play is superior. I do think however that he should be shot taking one level up and a couple of good back to back scores could find him in that 5K/TK game regularly. Good luck to you in that @WannabeCoder. The hardest jump to make on Replay is from 5K/TK to 20K/40K because of the infrequency at which the TK/20K tables run but meh on that point. You’re a very good players what little experience I have with you @love2eattacos, much respect. I also very much like the way you and @WannabeCoder think and talk about the game and appreciate both of yours contribution to these forums.


For real money, I agree. For play money, I think it’s fine to take aggressive shots at the next level, since the consequences of a bad session are pretty low - the worst case is you have to drop back down for a while. @WannabeCoder has been showing a very high winrate (in the 50-100+ BB/100 range) which dramatically reduces the risk of a large losing session.

Agreed. I think there is also a noticeable step up in the ability of the players between these two levels.

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I reckon a massive over bet when you have the nuts is guaranteed to confuse those left in the hand and invoke a call from a player who knows that “no-one would bet that big unless they’re bluffing”…:crazy_face:

Well its already stated in one of the early entry to this post, sunpowerguru was able to correctly state that FOLDING is one of the most powerful move in tournament and cash game. But there is another thats even more powerful!

Bank roll mgt is deff very important to keep climbing the ranks but i dont consider putting that in the category of powerful poker moves. Hands down by far the most powerful move to take and profit from large pots is the check-raise but u have to do it at the right time and when u have the nuts and u are playing with large raisers that u know will bet large again after the check and before u shove. You will make most of ur biggest profits from those. He will either fold after u shove and u gain a decent pot or he will call u and u profit even more. It still works if u have a top hand and not the nuts too but isnt a guaranteed win every time.

I’m a believer in the check-raise. It does seem that if You add a looong thinking Pause before making a small raise that it is more likely to be met with callers and possibly a “Fast” juicy counter raise.

IF this IS the most powerful move in NLTHE then the most FUN move has to be the massive over bet bluff shove into opponents capped ranges. The folds oh the folds are so so sweet!

Disclaimer: I never ob bluff. I always have it.