Vote tomorrow

I spent a career in the military protecting OUR right to vote. Don’t YOU be one who wastes all those years so go Vote!


Thank you for your service, and great message! I voted. Hope you have a great Veteran’s Day this Friday. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your response. It was a pleasure to serve our nation as an Army officer. Thank YOU for caring and taking the time to vote. Freedom isn’t free.


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Thank you Ron for your service. Yes voting is & should be appreciated as those that serve in our military to maintain our freedom.

Thank you for responding to my community topic regarding our right to vote. Thank you also for your kind words. I consider it an honor to have served our nation as an officer in the United States Army. Good luck on the tables and I hope to play with you again soon.


Thank You for your service Ron

I’m a vet too, what does that have to do with anything??
Voting to me is like if you had a choice between two or three outhouses to use and tried to figure out which one smells the best then do your shist there.
problem: we have no choices because corporations own everybody and everything in the country.