Unusual Things That Happen During Poker Play

Hello Players. Last week I was sitting at a 3 player SnG table. Play started as it usually does. I got to the middle of play after one player lost out. Up to this point, I realized that I had not won a hand. I had decent hands, but someone always had a better hand. I thought it was unusual, but I figured the second half of the game would be better. So the other player and I continued to play hands, but I noticed that no matter what the good hand was I had (I even had several full houses), the other player had a higher full house. It was absolutely amazing to me. Needless to say, the other player beat me and I did not win one hand during that game. I just figured the Poker Gods were not on my side that day and chalked it up to another loss. Now, having said that, has anyone ever had something happen like that or something else happen that was unusual during poker play?

Every day my friend, I just call it luck of the draw. I do change my betting habits, up or down to try to change the mind of the poker spirit, until it works or not. Always in the fight.

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