The fairness debate

Then start counting like me. Be honest and come back with some numbers. But don’t just count yours - note every all in you see at the table as favorite win or underdog win. See what you get.

Oh - and be sure to do more than 22. I am.

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But that’s what me and wildpokerdude have no answer for “is replay following you around giving you bad beats for no reason and favoring the other person” I wouldn’t think so. But we can’t figure out why our opponents in fact do usually win the hands in all ins regardless of what hands we have if we happen to have the worst hand going in we have practically no chance and even if we have the better hand we lose the majority of time. Why are our opponents good and we’re bad when it comes to the system? I don’t know I can’t answer that. But it’s not even close to being in my favor I know that.

Maybe because we’re complaining on the forums there’s a bad beat button that mods can turn on lol it sounds ridiculous but I’m not there to see what’s going on.

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And I’ll tell you - if after 200, 300, 500 all-in hands I see underdogs piling up a statistically improbable number of wins, I’ll post an absolutely beautiful “Jayinem2022 was right” post that will bring frickin’ tears to the eyes of all that read it.

I might even send you a fruit basket!

(And honestly - where did I “blast” anyone in my original post???)


I’ll pass on counting anything, and I know what you’ll say “see you’re lazy and it just proves you’re wrong” etc… whatever you’re going to say but I’ve learned something in life you simply can’t prove something to someone that don’t want to believe it’s true. It’s impossible.

Are you trying to convince me that if I analyzed 10,000 hands which is what feelmysins was at a MINIMUM that suddenly the whole forum would change their minds and believe me and that the programmers would change anything? It would be a post on a forum that a few people would believe and the site would stay exactly as it stands right now so I’m good.

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look what I say right before the flop happens. remember what I say every time I got KK. yeah I know its only one hand, but I do this every time I play. yet cards are unpredictable. well here you go I just predicted what was gonna happen.

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You’ll need to have that happen to you at least 9,999 more times and post them all here before you have a shred of credibility sir.

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Nope wouldn’t say that. All I’m saying is this:

Eyes lie. Feelings lie. Brains interpreting information lie. Sort of - I’m using “lie” loosely - it’s not so much a lie as it is simple human nature. Read something about that in a psychology class. Or maybe it was a fortune cookie. But I digress.

Numbers generally don’t lie. They are what they are.

I confessed to feeling like I was seeing at least ONE quirky little thing that made no sense to me - the level of underdog wins, so I’ve decided to collect data to see if it supports my feeling.

So far, it is not.

We’ll see how it goes. I don’t always believe my eyes. But I will believe the numbers. Did you know that eye witness testimony is the absolute weakest form of evidence due to inaccuracy in a court of law? Crazy, huh? Unfortunately for a lot of people unjustly in prison, it’s also the most compelling to jury. Y’know, there a parallel to this discussion somewhere in there, but I won’t give it away.

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give me KK 9,999 more times and I will type it out on chat and watch it come true. I know what they’ll say. oh he was short stacked blah blah blah. give me the A7 in that spot and not one ace will hit

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I breathlessly await your post of 9,999 replayed hands. Y’know - if you want a shred of credibility and all that, right?

Goose, gander… pot, kettle… you get the gist.

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like i said, I can predict cards all day long and big majority of time I will be right. that’s just one example of it. but according to replay’s precious little certificate. cards are not predictable

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I probably could it would take awhile not because of the lack of bad beats but because 9,999 of anything takes awhile and I have to work 40 hours a week and have a social life. I’m just not that desperate to change people’s mind that refuse to.

I mean let’s say I did and I got up to 2,346 times, would that convince you or would you need the entire 9,999?

I dunno - you’re the one that tied 9,999 to “credibility,” not me. Your standard, not mine. So shouldn’t you know that answer?

Work! ha! Welcome to the club. I’m typing all this from work! Gotta get out by 5:00, though - going to see “Wicked” with the wife.

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No actually your co-conspirator feelmysins did not me. Guess you missed his post and you’re only concerned with ones that say something negative about the site. Maybe you should read it. He said 10,000 hands at a minimum.

Maybe he did - but I wasn’t talking to him, nor you to me at that time. And I never mentioned 9,999 hands.

“You’ll need to have that happen to you at least 9,999 more times and post them all here before you have a shred of credibility sir”

That’s you. To me. So you agree with feelmysins on this number? Well, that’s something I guess.

Anyway - back to work for me. Tough to be the boss and all that. Gotta go give someone an “attaboy” or two. (Oh, they’ve earned it - not being sarcastic)

I’ll be back. As will you.

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Have a great time. I’ve seen the great musical over a dozen times over the years from Broadway to Boston. Enjoy :+1:t2:

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I think this is our fourth or fifth time. Full disclosure: Not a big fan of musicals. I usually feel like I want to see less “musical” and more “story.” Wicked does an absolutely brilliant job of covering both bases!

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another hand player had kings and ace on board

well not pocket kings for me, but pocket jacks and ace on board. might as well been pocket kings

Here’s what I would suggest you do if you really want to try to make your point in a way that would have some validity here. Because simply posting hands doesn’t move the needle.

I’m not saying that to be mean or sarcastic - I’m saying it because what if I start posting hands where I have kings and an ace does not hit the board? What good does that do? Not much.

If you really want to take a step to confirm or deny your position, start actually tallying when you have two kings, does an ace hit the board. Be honest with the numbers. Keep an open mind. No matter what anyone here might think, that is precisely what I’m doing with my “underdogs win/lose” experiment - and I have no stake in the answer - the numbers won’t lie to me.

Do it for a while. Heck, it’s not like it would be hard to do - you probably don’t get KK that often (who does?), but at least you’d be able to come here with “Over the last _____ months I held KK _____ times and for each of those hands an ace hit the board _____ times.”

Let the numbers do the talking, whatever they may be.

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then you’ll ask for hands links as usual.

I’ve never asked for a link to a hand to prove this kind of point. I think they’re useless to prove this kind of point (unless you are going to religiously and honestly post each and every one).

Of course, this means I’m trusting you on the numbers you collect. I mean, sure you could lie about it and so could I. But why? I like the truth, even if I don’t like the truth. I assume most people do. Yeah, I’m probably a bit naive on that point.

But if you collect the numbers, I’d take you on your word. Would you take mine? If so, we can sing kumbaya , sacrifice a chicken, throw salt over our shoulders, and spit three times (precisely three times!!). Now if that’s not science, I’ve been lied to by my television all these years, and I refuse to believe that.