Statute of limitation by muting punishments

In the law, mostly every crime has a statute of limitation.

When someone reports you by your typing, you get nearly always a punishment which starts by muting you for 1 day and ends by muting forever.

I apply for a change in this system, that the punishments from 1 year ago get automatically deleted from the system.

So, fewer players do not get muted forever, as they have learned from their failures and do not repeat them.

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We will consider appeals of indefinite chat mutes after six months. If it’s a player’s first time, the chat wasn’t egregious, and they seem to show an understanding of why they were muted, we’ll typically give them another shot. I wish I could say they all “learned from their failures” :sweat_smile: – sometimes they’re right back to swearing at others on the table, and then it’s back to a permanent mute.

The moderation process generally begins with a warning, and then escalates slowly – 1 day, 2 days, 3, then a week, then 2, etc. And if you’ve chilled out for a few months, we will also reset the timer, so to speak. So, you’ve really gotta be trying to reach a point where you’re permanently muted.

There are other circumstances in which someone may reach that point more quickly if they’ve been a real jerk, but we do understand when someone has a snap now and then out of frustration or was egged on by another player (we moderate the other player as well, but please mute/report them instead of reacting!).

We can’t discuss any specific account moderation on the forum, but if anyone has questions about a mute or does want to make an appeal, please reach out to our support team at


I’ll be more succinct then: We won’t be doing that. :wink:


“There are other circumstances in which someone may reach that point more quickly if they’ve been a real jerk…”

It happened today having to report a player, that your above ^ statement fits exactly.

It was satisfying knocking him out of the tournament.

About 5 minutes later I searched on him and found him at another table with his abusive language on full display.

There should be a quicker way to expel these rude players!

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They should be metaphorically tarred feathered and run out of town on a rail, maybe horse whipped although this may be taking things a bit far :cowboy_hat_face:

I never report players except they start talking about my Mom.

Watching final tables on YT, every good player like Phil Helmuth shows sometime emotions, it is normal in a game.

In a casino it you talk rude you get a penalty during the game. This could be the also the level here, when the site engages a casino professional, lol :slight_smile:

To be fair Peter, the difference is most of us play day after day week after week month after month etc. Obnoxious folk become tedious, quite quickly in my case. I actually don’t mind teenagers being horrible and expect them to be but when full grown adults are still behaving like that it makes me think they never developed further than the teenage mindset, maybe due to some trauma or whatnot etc, but I don’t care when I’m playing poker on a sociable site, I hate miserable horrible types generally, ban them all.
Love and peace

For me, it is ok, when players use the F-word or the Sh*-word or the dam* - word.
It is a natural reaction when people lose by a river card.
Such words are the most common words by children 6-14 years every day.

So I only report when a player starts talking about my Mom.

I don’t mind the swearing, swear as much as you want it’s the targeted attacks at individuals which verges on bullying just because they got lucky or are a beginner, I cant abide that crap, ban the bawbags, oops :blush:
I have never reported anyone, and I will add, most of this bad patter seems to be in nl holdem, the people in the other games, stud, stud hilo, omaha, omaha hilo are nice and pleasant to each other, probably due to being well rounded individuals and fully developed as people, just saying :wink:

Well, rarely do I report, but I do report when it’s obviously a direct, constant, and personal attack.

In this case, it was towards me and another player at the table.

I even hesitated then and gave him warning after warning.

He ignored each one and it continued to the point as if he didn’t care about the ramifications.

There are chat rules and if you break them, there are consequences.

I wanted to verify that I did indeed make the right decision, so I searched on his name and

found him at a different table five minutes after knocking him out of the previous tournament.

The first hand at this table that I witnessed, he was going out of his way to break more

chat rules.

There should be a quicker way to get these types of players off the site once recognized

and reported!

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I remember a case in LA when a homeless man was incarcerated for life for stealing some donuts with menaces while starving, under the three strikes and your out rule, bit harsh that, but the three strikes rule would seem appropriate here, silence the swine, let them play in silence, only a few will stay. :slight_smile: and maybe after a year or so give them another chance :slight_smile:

I just searched his name.

He didn’t come up so Replay took care of it swiftly.

Thank you Replay!

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I didnt know there is chatting, as I havent seen anything that looks like chat things in tournaments.

Thats ok with me tho, because tilt less, and get over tilt faster, and dont have to deal with provocation, etc.

But it would be nice to once in rare while chat, say something, socialize, etc, and have the ability to shut chat off, so that dont see chat, and not able to chat, when shut chat off.

Hi Asuronetorius, :smiley:

It sounds like you are playing on the mobile app. Playing on PC or laptop in a regular browser looks like this:

In the chatbox are dealer messages, site announcements and chat, You can also click on a player and enter notes about them.


I think the system isn’t broke, so don’t fix it. Players are well aware of the rules. Understand the consequences.

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I agree