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Way to many players on Replay Poker feel obliged to show there cards at every opportunity. I can think of three reasons for this and if yee have more I’d be interested to hear them.

1: The offending player wants to brag and show yee what a great poker player there are.Sadly, this is the most common reason on Replay Poker.
2: An inexperienced player who wrongly believes this is good poker strategy.
3: As showing cards after every hand is so common place on Replay Poker inexperienced players may feel obligated to show there cards. In live cash games showing cards rarely ever happens.

Me, I prefer the olde school strategy which is too “show class never cards.” If yee want to see the Mighty’s cards yee pay and yee will pay dearly.


Hi MightySpurs,
Well, as a Forest supporter for my sins, I can only say I show cards when I am playing with friends who I have known for quite a while here on Replay, and it is simply a courtesy, as I am always grateful myself when someone shows their winning hand, and I think whew, glad I folded! Stops me from wondering if I did the right thing, and I also hope when I show people realise I do so to prove I had a winning hand, not a bluff.
I am sure you are right in what you say that this would not happen in cash games, I would not know as I only play here for fun and to say hi to people.
I do think that makes a difference!


nothing to gain by showing, if i show it was an exceptional hand or i played a friend

  • if it was available i probably would show my folds more often (heads up situations)

The showing of hands is just another tool in the players toolbox. Some show that they bluffed so as to get a call when they have the nuts a few hands later. Some show when they have the nuts so when they bluff opponents believe they have a hand.
As Kate said this is a free poker site, similar to real poker but not the same.
Free poker is a social game, people looking for a connection, whether it be in a league, tournaments, forum, chat or just to the game itself.
I play in a league here that Sharon has, one of the rules is that you have to show your hand if you win.
I have played with you before I don’t think this is a real question, just an opportunity for you to vent.


Sorry, but I don’t look at show cards. I feel I made my decision, what you have or had is of no concern after the hand is over, let us move onto the next. I do understand why a lot of players show their hands, just not for me.


I usually don’t show, but seems to me anyone can hit see previous hand and that will tell all.

I don’t think you can see the hand of a person who has folded on “show previous”. You can only see a repeat of the hand as was shown live.

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I thought the ability of showing your cards option is available in the Gear settings either always or just for that specific table. I don’t have that option checked but I used to but, the option(s) may have been changed for the specific table. The Global option is still available *see below).



I never show my hands any more unless someone pays to see it.
I’ve found at least for me that it’s better to show the best hand when called because later hands people will be afraid that I will have the better hand when I really don’t because I really like to bluff (a lot).

This is sort of an opposite situation of your thinking.

I’m always playing just for fun and enjoy messing with people at the tables. Afterall, this is a psychological game.

sorry bit unclear, i ment;

in ancient history ive played full-tilt and pokerstars, not sure if it was the one or the other, but…

in heads-up situations when you got raised, you could pick one or both cards to show your opponent what you where folding

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i would not know how to show my cards i was taught a lot by johnny moss and have dealt to chip reese and other pros its stupid to show nothing to gain

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I am not a believer in showing cards in every hand as well. Don’t want to brag about any hand, but will gladly show to friends occasionally.

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Very true and if you show every hand why would anyone call you to see, when they see for free lol. That said here as a free friendly site, it’s fine for me to show my friends at times.


I’m with Litenin with this, I will show my cards to friends once in a while but never show a bluff, but back when it was for real money I never showed at all ever, but then again I also never considered anyone a friend there they were all the enemy trying to part me from my money :joy:


I only show straight flush or 4 of a kind. i also don’t mind players showing their hands as it might give away their strategy if any.


I’m never fast enough to go into my settings and turn off auto-muck, unless I flopped a really amazing hand and it goes to the river, I rarely have enough time to show it unless someone calls.


although i barely use it, for this reason, i turned it off in settings

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Even if I want to show with a Great hand, It is very hard for an old man like me to be quick enough to go to settings and click off auto muck in time, . Especially when playing 2 or 3 tourneys at the same time. :slight_smile:


sry, i ment settings on the lobby / profile page


