Poker Amusement..League

That sounds like a wonderful idea to me :heart:


Well said Sharon! I left this league because it turned into Bluffing and All Ins almost every hand. The part I did enjoy was playing a great game of poker and chatting amongst nice players. The friendly competition was so much fun without full blown bluffing and go all in on every hand. If things turn around, let me know and I will play again.


Nobody bluffs 90% of the time, not even close, but bluffing is part of the game. Bluffing more against people who are drastically over-folding IS playing poker. Does this ruin the game?

A shove or fold strategy when short stackd IS playing poker. In fact, it’s one of the most basic and well understood aspects of the game.

People used to chat, and yeah, that was a lot more fun. I think the reason people stopped chatting is that some go out of their way to be offended by everything, and nobody needs the extra drama.

Playing poker without bluffing is like trying to play Monopoly without charging rent. It’s not about trying to win, it’s about actually playing the game.

Some people do bluff 90% of the time, I have seen it. that’s why I stopped playing.
all I was doing was donating 5k every night.
I hate being called my every high raise when I have like 2 pair and then of course we have to show hands, and the person that calls our every high raise to the end, where I have folded shows their cards and they have nothing not even a low pair, then laughs at me. that’s not poker, it’s insults, then people making RUDE comments accusing people of cheating is another issue, I’m not here to start drama, just want to play and chat and play poker the right way.
like Sharon said in her post, she said it all, and that’s how it should be done, that’s what the league was set up for.


Okay, back to what Sharon originally said!

“This league was set up for us mostly for chat and for us to enjoy time with friends , the bluffing is fine once in a while but 90% of the time is just too much . I would like it to go back to how it was where people actually like to play in this league for the chat between friends , sure people want to win but win by playing poker and not just ruining the game.”


I totally agree, word for word.

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Cathy, Your poker play is great and so glad to have you as my Team Mate in DW. As you know, PA is not everyone’s cup of tea! I appreciate you and our friendship and sometimes there are some people we choose not to battle with. :100:


Glad to have you as a Team mate as well in Dream Weaver, and yes not every game is everyone’s cup of tea, Yup to the battle, not worth it.


And Boom, we agree!



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I didn’t say no one can bluff but just tone it down , it’s not good for my eyes to roll every hand.




I meant that in a good way, we don’t want your eyes to get stuck or fall out :heart:


So what, exactly, is ruining the game?

This league was set up for us mostly for chat and for us to enjoy time with friends , the bluffing is fine once in a while but 90% of the time is just too much . I would like it to go back to how it was where people actually like to play in this league for the chat between friends , sure people want to win but win by playing poker and not just ruining the game.

I’m asking what this means.

Bullying and bluffing when we are all friends takes the fun out of it for most members.

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I could not have said it better, well said Sharon.

This means you can win by playing without bluffing and pushing every 2nd hand.

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And there is someone who pushes every 2nd hand?