Just too languorous for me!

The trickle down form of capitalism, jings crivvens help ma bob, its always worked that one, the wealthy help the poor, genius, why did no one else think of this, I can sleep easy now, good night for me, a good sleep, with a clear conscience,
Make love not war or alternatively, change only comes through the barrel of a gun, a guy said, some bloke who marched his army on a long walk, his name escapes me, although his country owns a hell of a lot of other countries debt and pulled a billion of people out of poverty, its all wrong somehow,
last time I was in Beijing I was appalled by the homeless situation, jeezuz bad trip it was every other city in the west, homeless beggars everywhere, sleeping on the street with nothing and no hope, addicted to things that make pharma companies billions, but I will learn from your wisdom and change my thoughts.
Thankyou my friend for educating me. :+1:

Capitalism will always be prevalent especially in the United States. The government owns no businesses to generate income and provide jobs.


Nae bother Craig< I was Off on one :slight_smile:

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I know, no worries, it’s all good brother :+1:t2:

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