How to Get 1 Billion Chips

You’re definitely above average for the 500k/1M player pool, btw :wink:

Manual data entry(what a psychopath :upside_down_face:) I wish I could run query’s grrr.

I think I know a weakness in my game but I’m not telling you! I look forward to seeing some of your numbers, not really sure what a good win% and top 3% should be, I do the math to see what statistical averages based on entries are, so I just assume if I am above those numbers things will be ok.

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That is a link to my stats for July so far. Honestly not my greatest month but we take the bad with the good :slight_smile:

Here is the summary:

Idk if it’s just random noise but I do notice some clustering; I think I go through patches where I play better or worse for a day or two at a time.

As a final note, I’m pretty sure my numbers from February and March were better, perhaps much better. That was when I had closer to 200M or so, and the outcome mattered to me a lot more :slight_smile: Sometimes now when things go south I have a tendency to just punt bc I’m over it. Gotta work on that!


Very nice, now I have some numbers to chase

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There are usually more 1s :frowning: I’m getting hosed heads-up this month! Good luck, and see you at the tables :smiley:

@Pos111 @Younguru You can kind of automate getting data from Replay into google sheets. It’s still pretty laborious, but if you go to the Activity page and select the tournament tab, you can then select all the entries on that page. I had to paste that into a text editor that stripped the formatting before I could get them to paste into google sheets, but once you get the data in there, you can transform it into a table fairly easily, and then do whatever you want with it.

See: Replay Tournament Stats - Google Sheets

I expanded out all the entries on the Activity page, but I’d recommend you don’t bother, as the Return is often incorrect, and the other info you get from that is not that useful. You’ll need to adjust the multiplier and offset from what I used for the formulas in columns D through I (eg =INDEX($A$1:$A, (ROW() - 2) * 15 + 4, 1) - the 15 and 4 might change), but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

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Do you think there is anything to be gained from looking at positional finish? I will save my thoughts.

“Average finish per position” determined by dividing total games by average players per game played.

*There was a total games error in previous sheet for 250k entries

This is far from my area of expertise; I could not say with any confidence whether this is useful data or not. I imagine it’s good to have a distribution like yours, though: increasingly higher frequency the closer the number gets to “1”

Then again, I could see there just being different distributions depending on strength of field and playing style. I’m often very aggressive early and try to build a big stack; this makes me have more early busts but, hopefully, also more wins. So yeah, ideek!

I think you can chop most MTT’s into thirds. Early game play, late game play and everything in between. I think ideally I would want all of my finishes in the late game and early game portion as their is no benefit to finishing in the middle third.

So if I take the 100k/250k(very similar player pools) and combine them I have 283/606 in the 1-20 finish, 181/606 in the 21-40 finish and 142/606 in the 41+finish. So in theory 181 games were a waste of time(not really). If early game outs can be attributed to stack building attempts and if my early game outs are less than the middle third, should I be much more aggressive with marginal hands early? I think in August I might adjust my play in these MTT’s early game to see what happens vs current results.

What do you think? I appreciate your opinion and anyone else that may have insight :slight_smile:

I agree about where you’d ideally LIKE to see your finishes, but also there’s just a lot you can’t control, right? Sometimes you don’t really get many good spots early on, and you bleed a bit, and then you pick up a good hand, and you get pot stuck, and you have to go with it, and you bust in the middle third.

I think trying too hard to make sure that never happens might well reduce your overall performance. That said, it can’t be too bad to make a concerted effort to either blow out early or run deep by being aggressive early.

When I played live tournaments back in the day, those were always my most troublesome opponents—and probably not incidentally, the players I saw winning the most.

Return on investment is the stat you really want to track. ROI = (Winnings - Buy-ins) / Buy-ins. You can calculate it per tournament and then take an average, but it’s better to calculate it per stake, or over a period of time, combination of both of whatever other window you’re interested in. Just sum all the winning and buy-ins for that window, then calculate the ROI.

If you wanted to compare whether it was better to play conservatively and cash as often as possible, or aggressively and aim for the most wins, ROI will tell you which is more profitable.

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UPDATE: With this hand, I made it across the 700M mark for the first time. Just a couple days shy of August 1!

(Bogie had Q9, in case you can’t see).

Still making a steady 100M/month. On pace to cross 1B chips by November :smiley:


Congrats! Bogie had A4, they showed and it shows in the chat log.

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oh, I am thinking of another hand we played lol. thanks.

Growth rate accelerating :smiley:

June/July growth was mostly fueled by ring games, notably a couple huge pots at 250/500k. MTTs were more or less breakeven.

Tightened up a few leaks, playing less ring so far in August, MTTs showing higher variance but critically, more 1st place wins. Averaging around 5M/day.

17 1st-place MTT finishes to date this month, exactly 1/day average.


Nothing but respect @Younguru 800 M and counting is cool but 17 wins in 17 days is even cooler.

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17 wins in 1 month is awesome guru. I thought the 7 wins I got in month 1 was good, lol. I’m happy for you.

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there are plenty of players on her that have well over a billion chips and have passed away…so i don’t think it something important. You can’t take them with you and you can’t bequeath them to anyone lol

That makes me curious, wonder, what happens to those billions of chips of a player that either dies, retires, permanently gets injured so bad that can never ever access account again? Does Replay just keep the account open with, the billions in it? It probably does not matter in a way since Replay can probably create, has about a endless supply of virtual online play chips, probably due to Replay being able to create chips, etc.