Does your pup have a favorite toy and wants nothing else, to play with?

Does your pup have a favorite toy and wants nothing else, to play with ?

Please share present/past experiences and story’s with your pup’s and their Favorite Toy.

If possible, please share a picture of our best friend with his/her toy.

This is our beloved Foxy

When she was a young whipper snapper, she tore up every toy she had. I finally found a ball that was very indestructible, which was a steel ball with outer rubber coating. She would play catch all day if I would let her, but as she got older, I had to tell her, take a break which she didn’t take to well. We had great time with that one little toy. She will always be remembered & loved

My cat is claiming discrimination and wishes to be included :heart_eyes_cat:

Here he is playing with his favourite catnip banana

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Hi @grapevine , beautiful cat. please tell your kitty he/she and all are welcome to show off her toys anytime. If you’ll notice in my avitar, we all love the cats also, even my dogs lol:) Also please check out a subject posted 2 weeks ago about our cats, Memories of our lost beloved Cats gl at the tables my friend.