Buying chips?

I get a lot of pleasure playing & want to help support the site. I think it’s the best one out there.


Pay Pal is the way to pay.

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If replay accepted donations and provided an address to send checks to they would get one from me and annually thereafter. There is a real difficulty involving credit cards.

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Comme Replay Poker est gratuit et super bien fait, je pense que le fait d acheter les jetons, cela permet au site de fonctionner. Tres bonne qualité, félicitations à la Team.

Translate:As Replay Poker is free and super well done, I think that buying the chips allows the site to work. Very good quality, congratulations to the Team.


Hi @Perloutchi , welcome to the forum. A great place to learn, share ideas and enjoy the fellowship. I agree with your thoughts and I personally don’t believe this great site could exist without an income.

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Hi @AENEID , totally agree and have made suggestions to folks to pay with pre paid cards etc.
But I understand a lot of folks just don’t want to send funds on line. I will continue to push for a way to send checks via regular mail. GL at the tables my friend

That’s all well and good but it could take over a week to get to England and processed from a personal bank account to see if you have the funds available, a hold on your checking account until it does and by that time it’s too late for chips.

Most buyers buy chips because they need them sooner than later to play on Replay Poker.


Very true. I still think, for those that don’t want to use personal c cards and want to buy chips or premium memberships, a prepaid card is the answer. However it must be usable internationally.

The company Replay is using now I use for my business and another one called “ Plaid “. Never a problem with so called Hackers and copse a well established bank and not a credit union as the big banks ( Chase, Capital One and Bank of America will reimburse you for unauthorized payments.

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Agree and a very secure site. I wish we could purchase a 2 month Premium membership for others, as a trial for them. After 2 months, go buy that player could decide if he/she wants to continue with it. I would do so & think others would also, to help our fellow players and the site.

just open a Revolut account, you top your REV account up and you can use a virtual card that changes its number for every online transaction if you prefer - it is safe and secure


Hi my friend, I’ve not heard of this REV, but yes if it’s secure why not try it, however I know the Replay site is secure as well.

Replay should accept cryptocurrency as payment like so many other websites.

Or you could just buy chips for others like I do. By committing to buy 2 months of Premium Membership for $20 X 300,000 players is very gracious of you and others but I’ll just continue to do it my way.

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Revolut is the same as PayPal, Zelle, Venmo and all the other money transaction sites. You can download the app for Google and Apple.

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Haha, I wish I could buy everyone a 2 month membership. However, in the meantime only suggesting having the opportunity to buy friends membership, when I can and want to support the site. :smiley:

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Great idea but a 1 year membership pays out the most benefits :+1:t2:

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There’s likely many people who are poor and heck, the few bux is just too much. This is a “different” thought, but those who DO pay for premium, or whatever, please realize that you are helping those people, perhaps a senior, or someone else who is isolated, to enjoy free play.

Sometimes it’s good to see things through a different lens. :slight_smile:


I do believe if folks get the membership for 2 months, enjoy the benefits and the fellowship, they may want to then join for a year.

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