Biggest punt you've ever made

Like this:

except every hand you post has to be a massive punt.

Please try to justify your play, but only if the reasons are unreasonable and pathetic.

This is my entry for this week:

3 handed, BTN folds, I raise to 3bb in the SB, BB calls.

Flop is 7c6s3c (pot 6bb)

Not a great flop for the pre-flop raiser, so I check, big blind bets 1/3 pot, I call

Turn is the 6h (pot 10bb)

Not a great turn, so I check again. Villain bets 75% pot. I have Ks5s, so can’t really fold with an over and out to the nuts.

River is a complete brick, the 2d. Villain bets 150% pot. I somehow talk myself into a call because my opponent isn’t repping a lot for value, and can have a lot of over-card hands they can start bluffing when I check back the flop. Of course I lose to a lot of the Ax combos, but figure most of them have either made a pair or would have 3-bet pre, so I don’t think I need to worry about any of those. That’s likely true, but a distraction from what I really should be thinking about, which is how often is: bet, big bet, over-bet a bluff when I can have all the over-pairs? Basically never - so it should have been trivial to put them on 54 for the flopped straight, even though I have a blocker.

(Of course I’ve made much bigger punts than this, it’s just the only one I have a clear memory of, I’m sure there’ll be more)

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I’m playing $1/3 at Oaks Card Club, a truly seedy joint if there ever was one, located in miserable Emeryville, CA between an office park and the Subway heads trap out of. I digress.

MP opens to $10 and it folds to me in the BB with ATo. Hey, both my cards are kinda big! And the raise was not too large. I don’t have a really REALLY good hand, so why would I reraise? I call.

Flop is A 9 3 with two clubs (I don’t have a club). I check to the raiser, who bets full pot. Full pot! This seems like he just wants me to fold. I have a pretty good ace, and there is a flush draw available. I’m not letting this guy hit his flush for cheap, and I want to take control of the betting when I think I’m ahead. So I raise 3x his bet.

The guy locks eyes with me and STARES ME DOWN HARD before declaring “I’m all in” and sliding another $250 into the middle. A massive overbet reraise!

Clearly, between the action and the stare down, he’s just trying to bully me. So I call, and am shocked to lose to A9. Absolutely shocked, I tell you! How did this happen???


My MASSIVE bluff, posted in another thread some might say was a punt or my biggest punt, but dont think its unreasonable or horribly bad, and some very good players dont think it was horribly bad, so won’t post it here as its already posted about in another thread. So I dont know what would be my biggest punt, as its ultimately extremely rare for me to punt.

Younguru, he might have been doing a purposeful reverse tell to deceive you, as usually a staredown like that is usually someone acting strong, that actually usually has a weaker hand.

If its not that, then its a low stakes real money player that when they make a strong hand, that is a tell they actually have when have a strong hand, and are not doing a reverse tell. Some fishes, when they have a good hand do things like go all in, not extract value, force folds, and have tells where they look like they are acting strong, like being excited, staring people in the eyes, etc. Such fish are the exception to the rule that if the bet is super big, and if staring into eye, seemingly acting strong, it is either a very polarized range, or weak, semi bluffing, etc.

Can’t really do much in that kind of situation, as your play was standard, not a punt. All you can do is make a note in your head, or on paper about that player, and get them the next time they do that, by folding in that kind of spot against that specific player in the future, thereby printing money by folding in that kind of spot, to that player, in the future, if that kind of spot happens again against that specific player.

  1. It was totally a reverse tell and he got me good!
  2. I don’t think my play was standard:

I should 3bet a lot of the time pre.
On the flop, raising seems ambitious given the bet was full pot.
When he 3bets me on the flop I think I can happily just fold. He can have bluffs but we’re not beating any of the value, and this spot is heavily underbluffed live.

Yeah preflop, you should be semi light 3 betting with A9, AT hands preflop occasionally to balance out 3 betting range. Postflop, yeah you should have flat called, but the reason I said its standard, is villains reverse tell, for most players, if they do that tell, its usually not a reverse tell, and usually they are usually semi weaker, when, if do that tell, so because of that, nothing that can really do until you know, and now you know, can adapt, change, learn, etc.

Ah I see what you mean! Yeah, hook line and sinker lol :smiley:


This might be interesting enough to post.

Check raising the Goat with not much in 2020.

In 2024, I probably would fold this hand.

Which is the correct move?

Has my game improved or should I go back to my old ways of thinking?



Man I don’t know, my first thought - having never played Omaha Hi/Lo - was that you’d both gone off reservation in that hand.
I guess if they have an overpair or set, your draw to the low is very live, but then you’re only drawing to a chop. If they have a draw to the low as well, your tens might be good, but you’ll have less outs on your draw. If you have any fold equity at all, it’s probably fine?
I really have no idea, it’s definitely an interesting spot though. Be interested to hear your thoughts.

This is just a leveling war, right? That’s what it looks like to me.

In a vacuum both plays are absolutely suicidal, of course :smiley:

By reputation I assume Goatsoup was kind of like MansoorH in that he played hyperagg at all times (6x open size followed by bluff-shoving with basically nothing but a low draw and some backdoors seems to support this narrative).

This being the case, I can understand wanting to play back at him quite wide. Still, this is surely a bridge too far. We have about a million better hands that reach this flop.

The Goat insta-called, obviously made up his mind to gamble.

That was his nature in the first place.

I remember knowing that back then about his game.

I think your observations are in the ballpark.

Your first thought is probably the best takeaway.

It was always fun to play against him and Tiggy too.

The action was always one step above the rest.

I have a vague memory discussing with the Goat how many brick, brick runouts

were happening on Replay.

Well, thanks for looking at the hand.

It was interesting enough!


You paint an accurate picture of a famous goat from these parts. lol

Between the two of you, all my questions were answered.


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The meta for this hand is probably more interesting than the hand itself. Showing you’re willing to make that marginal a play should have helped you against Goat in the long run, I expect. Maybe you at least got him to think twice where he’d normally just go for it by default.

Goat’s biggest punt?


A punt from the end zone, Not the biggest but :wink:

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So you’re the reason everyone is convinced this site is rigged :rofl:

Love that you rub it in by making the unnecessary boat on the river too


I think that’s probably fine. Overpairs get to take that line, having the 9h is good (blocking Th9h), unblocking the flush draw is good too. The flop bet size is probably too much, but it makes it more likely they’re up against a Jx hand than a Tx hand. Pretty difficult to move someone off Jx, but you have to have some bluffs against good players, and CK is definitely that.

Check Quads & push the diaper :innocent: who me? Okay maybe part of the reason :slightly_smiling_face: