Animals who have impressed you

Lots of dog talk here, I thought this would be nice :slight_smile:
So, in 2006 I went with some friends to do a trek in the foothills of the Himalayas in India, had a fine time.
Before the trek I stayed with pal who lived in a village on a ridge near a town called Almora and I met a dog, this was no ordinary dog, all the local dogs of which there were many were pretty small, Lalu, which just means red stood out as being big, it was thought locally that his father was probably a stray Himalayan mastiff/indian sheepdog or similar just running around having fun :), but Lalu’s outstanding feature was three big deep scars down his face. He was one of the few dogs who had went head to head with a leopard and lived, he was fed by anyone in the village who’s house he turned up at as a dog who was lucky.
For some reason he took a shine to me and went with me everywhere, I went the same place for a month every year for several years, and the same routine he just seemed to like me, other dogs could not leave there territory as every area had it’s own pack but Lalu did not give a hoot, head high fearless, best dog ever.
Any other impressive creatures?

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