
following is for everyone who’s looking to improve their game, beginners as well as intermediate level players.

These are a few hands one should consider adding to their 3-betting range against aggressive players who raise too often, especially when you have position on them :

Suited A2, A3, A4, A5.
Suited KQ, KJ, KT, QJ, QT, JT, 9T (At a more advanced level, when comfortable playing post flop, 89, 87 and 67 could be added).
And pairs from 66 to TT.

The hands in the 1st 2 groups play very well post-flop.

1st group : Besides the possibility of ending up with nut flushes (Even straight flushes), those hands could also make straights or flop trips. In which cases, you’re almost sure you have your aggressive opponent beat.

2nd group : Suited Broadway hands are very powerful. They could turn into monsters post-flop. In fact, they could make you straight flushes (Even the Royale one), and high straights in addition to trips and 2 high pair hands.

3rd group : With mid-pairs (Even baby pairs sometimes, when cheap enough), we obviously look to flop sets. I f that doesn’t happen and over cards hit the flop, then it becomes an easy fold.

Of course, in poker, we’re never dealing with an exact science, the dynamic of any given table is what actually dictates the actions, hence being able to adapt is a crucial key in the game.

Opinions and suggestions would be appreciated. Best of luck all [image][image]


I don’t agree about being aggressive with these two as your hole cards. I’ve seen too many Aces hitting the board on here especially on the flop and you’re basically screwed when this happens unless you hit two pairs. An Ace hitting the board and someone raises more than 2x BB, without 2 pairs I will usually fold.

I believe that the aggressive raiser has these same hands in his range as well :wink:
But yes, having position over the opponent is important when we are making these decisions.

hi … I have played 200,422 hands now. On replay… I am a tight aggressive player… my stats are 83%-fold… and 13%- win… I win more at show down… I’m a bet or fold player… try to never call a hand… unless I’m slow playing A-A… I play… any suited connectors… suited ace… or pocket pair… sometimes A-K… but I also like to be the 1st to bet these hands… I’ play in 5 leagues on replay… hope to see you on the tables…

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Hi, najisami.

Also, factor in stack depth and how often the aggressive player folds to 3-bet.

If he calls almost every time you 3-bet and is open very loose almost all of the hands you mentioned can be 3-bet for value.

Just remember that the low-suited aces normally get in the bluffing 3-bet range against most players, but if they are bad post-flop I prefer a call with them if you are on the button or in the BB (if their raise size is small).

The hands that I definitely prefer a call with are the lowest pairs that you mention (66-88) and the lowest suited connectors like 89, 87, and 67.

Especially if they are calling stations both pre-flop and post-flop and are hard to bluff.

If they pay you off when you hit it is nice to have a bigger stack-to-pot ratio and use your skill advantage.

I like that your looking to be aggressive, it’s definitely better than the advice a lot of people give to just sit back and wait premiums. If we’re assuming the opponent is rarely folding to our 3-bet though, then I think your choice of hands to 3-bet is leaning the wrong way.
A lot of the hands you mention are likely 3-bets against any opponents (spot dependent of course), but against someone opening way too wide and never folding pre, they are the hands you would drop in favor of a strong linear range. A5/A4 for example are often 3-bet, but only because they have some fold equity. Against this player profile, offsuit double broadways are better hands to start 3-betting. The reason is that you don’t need to look to win massive pots against a player like this. You just dominate their range on broadway boards, which is the vast majority, and can give up on low card boards where all their wacky two-pair and straights come in.
The other benefit of using a linear range is that you can 3-bet a bit bigger, blocking more calls/4-bets, and improve the odds of the hand going heads up.

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Great tips for improving 3-betting range against aggressive players.
It makes sens for post-flop plays with suited A2-A5 and broadway hands.
In the end of the day, adapting to the table dynamics is key.
Thanks for the advice!

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Hi folks,

i have to agree with najisami group 1 and 2 are very solid hands which have the power to be monsters post flop!
Generally i would say such hands are very strong when you play it in position and villains are acting maybe a little passive. If it is a 8 handed or 9 handed table and their are sitting 3-4 maniacs behind i wouldnt play hands from group one too aggressive because if the board starts with a rainbow and middle cards like 7-9-J or something - one of the maniacs is in a very powerfull situations because they are calculating that you are holding A-X ? and in most cases you wont make a powerful c-bet after seeing this flop.

I try to see more hands or even be aggressive with more hands but in the action it’s harder than in the theory . This kind of aggressiveness might get me into trouble especially if the opponent is very tricky and bluffs a lot . I have seen players bluffing with far too many BBs or even going all on with total air if the board is scary . Also if I hit an Ace on the flop the opponent might have also hit Ace with better kicker and that would be destructive . I have been a victim to some ridiculous hands , for example i call or 3 bet with a suited connector , i get my straight but he has a better higher straight or even a flush or other crazy hand . Online bad beats are a common place . So yeah …
Ultra aggressively gameplay ??? I think I LL pasd . A little more conservative might be better .
To play aggressive with such hands you have to be a very good player , and I am not such a very good poker player . :slight_smile:

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Good tips, the main thing is to also know the level at which the opponent is willing to call the 3bet. Understanding how your opponents react at the table helps a lot when making decisions.

I would add a little more, Effective Stack, how many blinds does the villain have, how many blinds do I have? Do I call ALL in another player’s shove? Is it the final stretch? Bubble? Anyway… Several factors to consider.

Your view of 3bet is interesting. Thanks for sharing

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knowing your opponents is important… I have been playing privet invite league game now over 4 years… play the same players several times a week… and have taken many notes on them over the years…

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Hey najisami!! Very nice post!!
I like to say that there are two determining phases in the life of someone who just started playing poker: the first is when they stop limping and start raising first in and also punishing limpers; but the second is when they stop flatting too much and start 3-betting without fear. 3-bets are really really powerful, and they are a must for any player who wants to win at the game. Poker, specially no-limit poker, is a game of pressure, of putting opponents to the test!!

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I appreciate this post since 3-betting is one of the many aspects of my game I need to improve. Paying attention to your opponents and their tendencies is super important. I am not sure if I should try 3-betting a player who will never fold though? If they will fold sometimes, I think it is worth it. If they never fold, I am afraid that the pot will be too bloated and it will be even harder to get them off the hand later. This is definitely something to work on…

Hello dear friend well this is the very interesting and advanced thread. I agree with a lot of what it says but I don’t agree that we have to three beds suited Broadways against aggressive players too much. I really like to call again with these hands or just fold them and wait for better hands against very aggressive players.

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3bet IP with strong but slightly wider range. 3 Bet OOP when your read on opponent is that he/ is just betting to force you out. Your stack sizes and phase of the tournament play a part as well

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When I first started playing poker here on Replay, I was a nit. Very tight. Now I practice and try to loosen up to improve my game a little bit.
Catching bluffs is one thing I learned how to do, but sometimes I bust too early in a tourney.


If villain is underfolding, we are incentivized to 3bet MORE, not less. Get more chips in the pot with the strong part of your range, and play a more polarized strategy post flop (let go a few more of your marginal hands vs. aggression, and be a little more sticky with your strong hands). The variance will be higher but so will your EV.

A Nice Example

It’s not a 3bet as villain limped instead of open raising, but the idea is the same. bogger had been playing too many hands, and had shown he was reluctant to fold postflop. my adjustment (per @lihiue’s recent suggestion) was to raise him more aggressively pre, and be relentless postflop. he just can’t have enough value to justify the frequency with which he’s continuing, so by simply playing a stronger range aggressively, we are printing money.

when he called me here my heart sank! I was surprised to see what he turned over. just goes to show, we can’t be scared against an overly aggressive opponent. we just trust the numbers and make him put his chips in with all those marginal hands.

I mean if he’s continuing preflop with 78s and calling an all in on that flop, think how many other hands he is playing the same way! to just flat his opens would be rewarding his loose play. punish! raise!

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Hi Younguru, i like reading your posts. I would jam him.

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