100k CONTEST POLL: Ring vs. Tournament Clash!

J’aime tous les Jeux et Tournois de Pokers Texas Holdem a l’exception des jeux avec des règles spéciales que je ne comprends pas (peut-être a cause du fait surement parce que c’est écrit exclusivement en langue anglaise…). Mais dans l’ensemble les Ring Games et les Tournois dans Replay Poker sont agréables et très amusants… Merci… :slight_smile:

I like all Texas Holdem Poker Games and Tournaments except for games with special rules that I don’t understand (perhaps because of the fact that it’s written exclusively in English…). But overall the Ring Games and Tournaments in Replay Poker are enjoyable and a lot of fun… Thank you… :slight_smile:


I can play how ever long I want and not tied to a specific time or amount won

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I like tournaments better,you meet a lot of nice people and if you get a result playing,thats a bonus.


I have always preferred Tournaments over Ring Games… Not sure I have a good reason/explanation for how that has worked out, but I’ve been here, now, for about 15 years, and don’t remember what my thinking was back when I got started here… wish I could be of more help on this, but that’s about all I have for the moment… :>)) …


I enjoy the ring games because I find them more challenging.


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I love to play tournaments .At ring games players are more gready and they bluff to much.

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I use the ring games to get quick chips to play the tournaments.

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In tournaments, everyone starts off at the same level.

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i like the tournaments better because it gives me chance to tighten my poker skill under pressure to gain first place.


I like both, tourney’s if i have more time & if not ring games can be fun.

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Tournaments are more social- feeling of comrade among players.


Tournaments with rebuys

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Tournaments are the better. You get a chance to chat and get to know other players.


Also, notice that some are “time playing” for tactical reasons. But no reasons for not enjoying tournaments … when you have time.

Royal n’est pas plus compliqué. Et puis ca change. Je me laisse aussi tenter par le omaha, mais pas la version hi/lo.

Royal is not more complicated. And then it changes. I am also tempted by omaha, but not the hi/lo version.

Especially in tournaments when all of sudden you are “teleported” to another table.

Ring games are not what I consider ever. Too random and cant play the player as they come and go,

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I enjoy both formats. favorit tournaments: Galactic storm and the mad express. Mainly because friendly and 9 out of 10 times experienced players

Although there’s more chips to reap by spended time unit when chasing bold players in ring games, I have more fun in tournaments. I look foward to play my first “bust the staff” tournament.

Love playing against people I recognize in particular tournaments as many play the same ones day in and day out.

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